
Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Golden retriever puppies dog

Golden retriever puppies dog - Retrievers are among the friendliest dogs, both towards humans and towards other animals. The retriever is very fond of children and will never offend a child, so often this breed is taken as a companion for families with children.

The peculiarity of Labradors and golden retrievers is that they are eternal children, direct and sometimes just hyperactive. It doesn't matter if it's a puppy or an adult dog, the retriever will always provoke the owner to play.

Retrievers are always fun and cheerful, always ready for new adventures. They, like children, do not like loneliness and boredom, they constantly need attention and communication with the owner and family members.

At what age should I buy a golden retriever puppy?

A puppy can be purchased at the age of 2 months. By this time, he already knows how to eat independently, interact with a person, he already has the first vaccination and has a brand. At the age of 2 months, the puppy is still not allowed to go outside.

It is also possible to purchase an already grown puppy at the age of 3-4 months. By this time, revaccination has already been carried out, and you can walk with the puppy.

At what age to buy a golden retriever puppy

What should a golden Retriever puppy have?

* a veterinary passport with notes on antiparasitic treatments and vaccinations performed;

• yandex. metrica for a puppy, or a puppy card.

• a brand.

Labrador and Golden Retriever Puppy Metrics

Yandex. Metrica provides the following information: breed, nickname of the puppy, date of birth, color, gender, brand number, information about parents (nicknames and pedigree numbers), information about the breeder (full name and address), and the name of the kennel club that issued the document. There must be a club seal and the signature of the responsible person of the dog training organization who conducted the inspection of the litter.

Antiparasitic treatments

The first treatment for helminths is carried out at the age of 3 weeks. Then a three-time treatment with an interval of 2 weeks (at least 10 days before the first vaccination).

After that, processing is carried out 4 times a year, that is, once every 3 months.

Golden Retriever Puppy Vaccination Schedule

1. The first vaccination of a Labrador or Golden Retriever puppy is given at the age of approximately 2 months.

2. After that, vaccination (revaccination) in 3-4 weeks

3. Vaccination after changing teeth -approximately in 6-7 months.

4. Vaccination per year.

The most popular vaccines are Nobivac and Eurican. These are complex drugs that protect dogs from distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus infection, parainfluenza, leptospirosis, rabies. The first rabies vaccination is given at the age of 3-4 weeks, then once a year.

You can start walking with a puppy 7-10 days after the second vaccination (revaccination).

Branding of golden Retriever puppies

All puppies have a brand, a special tattoo, on the inside of the ear or in the groin area. The brand consists of a combination of letters and numbers. Letters indicate the kennel where the puppy was born, and numbers indicate its unique number.

The brand is a guarantee of purebred puppy. The brand number is entered in the puppy's yandex. Metrica, pedigree, and veterinary passport.

Branding is carried out at the age of 1.5 months.

Feeding golden Retriever and labrador puppies

Up to the age of 4 weeks, puppies are fed exclusively with their mother's milk. When they are 1 month old, they gradually begin to learn to feed. We use only premium food for puppies, and also give top dressing in the form of cottage cheese, kefir and raw chicken. Vitamins are only prescribed by the veterinarian, as dry food is a balanced diet that contains all the necessary elements.

All the pooches Go to Content menu Golden Retriever puppies in your home Even 20 years ago, golden retriever puppies were considered an expensive purchase that not every kennel could provide. Today, these unusually kind animals have come to the heart of many people, becoming not just a part of life, but even family members. 

A distinctive feature of Labradors is contact and love for children. Content Parenting Tips What actions harm the animal How to feed golden Basic rules of care Photo Gallery Video Retrievers are attached to their owners and most often, after leaving the forest nursery, are content with the role of a subordinate. 

Being completely unselfish, Golden loves people so much that if necessary, she is even ready to share her own food. Having a good-natured character, the animal rejoices at every event and sign of attention, showing its emotions in wagging its tail. 

Despite the fact that such a feature can cause a mess in the house, the retriever is a real source of positivity for each family member. The only drawback of the breed can be called the inability to make a golden Labrador watchdog. He will never bite, although he can scare off a stranger by barking. Parenting Tips Like communication with an adult dog, raising a golden puppy brings joy and a lot of positive emotions. 

It is not difficult to properly raise an animal and teach it to the necessary procedures and actions. The main secret of a good result, which can be achieved after the animal leaves the kennel, is a friendly attitude, without any aggression and shouting. 

At the same time, the basic rules of upbringing, which must be necessarily vaccinated to the animal, are:: love of cleanliness; calm response to outdoor stimuli; correct relationships with the owner and household. From the first days, after the baby golden Labrador left the nursery and appeared in the home (with all the necessary vaccinations), it can be taught to go to the toilet on the street. 

With the right upbringing, golden should ask for a walk from the age of six months. It is important to note that here the owners will need patience. Never punish the animal physically: love and understanding will bear fruit. 

If the kennel is not responsible for the availability of vaccinations, it is important to ensure that the puppy has the opportunity to go to the toilet in the house. Correctly arrange a corner for a golden Labrador will help the following: People who care about hygiene in their own homes, so they believe that bringing golden into the house is necessary to remove all carpets. 

This decision is not correct, because at a young age, the ligaments and tendons of a Labrador are not particularly strong. Teaching the baby to "walk" on tile, or linoleum, the owner can bring considerable harm to the pet's health. From the constant tension of the muscles of the animal's legs at this age, the risk of developing certain diseases increases. 

The result of such actions is dysplasia. To avoid possible problems, experts recommend covering the space reserved for the animal's habitat with inexpensive carpet, porous, or rubber mats that can be easily washed and cleaned. When training a golden Labrador retriever for hygiene, you need to know that small retrievers are not protected from infections. 

Diseases and the negative effects of microorganisms can be avoided by keeping the house clean. For example, you can't leave outdoor shoes in the hallway that an animal can reach. You can't leave food brought from the store or market in an accessible area. Also, do not allow him to chew on objects and toys of other pets living in the house. 

Taking Golden out to town for a walk, you can not drive him through puddles and mud. A golden labrador puppy needs frequent but short walks on the street. However, you need to make sure that the pet is not overworked. You will benefit from free running and the opportunity to frolic, as well as a leisurely exploration of park paths and lawns. 

As the dog grows, it is recommended to walk with the dog for about an hour and a half in the morning, up to 20 minutes in the middle of the day and a few minutes in the evening. Do not force the golden Retriever to run for several hours, it is harmful for the golden retriever. 

to the content ↑ What actions harm the animal In the process of raising a golden Labrador, it is important to adhere not only to the rules, but also to take into account contraindications. To achieve good results after the baby has left the nursery, you need to remember the following nuances:: walking more than 4 kilometers is bad for the baby; 

you can't force them to run on a leash behind a bicycle; don't make your pet jump over obstacles; don't let them play with big dogs; it is forbidden to understand the animal by its paws; it is forbidden to lift the animal with a cover under the chest (only supporting the ass); it is important to ensure that the baby does not jump from high surfaces for him; it is not recommended to allow the animal to sleep on a chair, master bed, or other places that are not intended for this purpose; 

arranging a place for an animal under the battery in an apartment threatens to lose wool and worsen the general state of health. In addition, it should be taken as a rule that the puppy can not be fed from the table. Meals should be taken on time and only in a specially designated place. Avoid snacking. to the content ↑ How to feed golden From the moment a golden labrador puppy leaves the kennel at the age of 3 months, it should be fed 6 times a day. At the age of five months, the number of meals is reduced to 5 times, and by seven months - up to 4 times. 

The correct diet of a young dog (at the age of one year) consists of 2 feedings per day. An important condition for feeding golden is a regime in which the animal is fed constantly at the same time. It is worth noting that Golden loves to eat very much and does not refuse food, no matter how much he is offered. The owner of a pet should remember that excessive nutrition causes obesity, and this leads to many diseases. Labrador food should be balanced, high-quality and complete. In this case, the owner will have the opportunity to raise a healthy animal full of strength and energy. 

For feeding the retriever, experts recommend using dry food, which can be mixed with cereal porridge, or soups. The golden labrador's diet should also include such products as: boneless and skinless chicken meat, veal, fish (low-fat varieties), rice, eggs, and a small amount of fermented dairy products. In addition, you can eat boiled vegetables and fresh fruit. 

Due to the fact that golden is a fairly active dog, the kennel and breeders advise to supplement the diet with a mineral and vitamin complex (top dressing). to the content ↑ Basic rules of care Labradors are very clean, and this is evident from the first days when the baby left the nursery. 

Therefore, caring for the animal's fur does not cause much trouble. To ensure a beautiful appearance, you can brush your puppy daily with a special brush and bathe it as needed. It is important to properly care for the puppy's eyes, wiping them daily with a clean rag or cotton wool. 

If there are inflammatory processes, or copious discharge of tears, it is recommended to wipe your eyes with a decoction of chamomile. In more difficult situations, you should consult a doctor. The animal's ears do not require special attention, however, if itching or an unpleasant smell appears, a trip to the vet is a must. 

Claw care is also minimal. In summer, the growths are worn off when walking on their own. In winter, the claws should be carefully trimmed as needed. In general, the appearance of a puppy that has left the kennel in the house brings only pleasant troubles. Only proper care and upbringing will allow you to instill the necessary skills in the animal. 

Other name: Golden Retriever

Country of Origin: United Kingdom

Time of origin of the breed: XIX century

Weight: males 26-41 kg, females 25-37 kg

Height (height at the withers): males 56-61 cm, females 51-56 cm

Life span: 12-13 years


The ideal owners of a golden retriever are families with children and people who love outdoor activities and long walks. For those who like to stay at home and lead a relaxed lifestyle, such a dog will cause more problems than joy.

Representatives of this breed are quite silent and patient, do not make noise about small things and do not mock with loud barking.

Dogs are very intelligent and quick-witted, they are ranked fourth in the list of the most intelligent breeds compiled by Stanley Koren.

Golden retrievers are known among hunters as the best” carriers " of game, able to make their way through the most inaccessible thickets in search of prey.

The breed is not suitable for allergy sufferers and those who are used to absolute cleanliness, as retrievers shed a lot.

Golden Retrievers are excellent learnerswho easily learn even the most difficult material. Proper training turns them into excellent guides, rescuers and searchers.

Despite their friendly and sociable nature, retrievers need a good upbringing and a strong hand. If the dog does not recognize the authority of its owner, it becomes unmanageable and can create many problems.

Golden Retrievers love water and enjoy taking baths in any available body of water, including puddles.

Owners often call their pets simply “golden "- from the English word "golden" (golden).

Golden Retrievers are skilled hunters, great family companions, and loyal friends who value love and kindness. If golden was properly raised, then he will complete any task that his master gave him, without showing arrogance. The only reward these dogs expect for their loyalty is the attention and love of their owners, which is more important to them than the most delicious food.

Characteristics of the breed






Training session




Need for care






Cost of maintenance


Attitude to loneliness




History of the Golden Retriever breed

The main prerequisite for the appearance of the breed was the passion of English aristocrats for hunting. In the 19th century, the main entertainment of British and Scottish esquires was game baiting and duck shooting. Commercial demand created supply, and soon shaggy dogs with an unusual golden coat color began to cut through the valleys of Scotland.

The appearance of golden Retrievers, as an independent breed, is usually associated with the name of Dudley Marjoribanks-a Scottish lord and part-time amateur breeder. It was he who revealed to the world a completely new kind of hunter dog, who was not afraid of water and masterfully aportirovavshu beaten bird. In this case, the first offspring was obtained as a result of mating a tweed-water spaniel and a straight-haired retriever, which had a yellowish coat.

By the 20s of the last century, the breed was already quite popular not only in Europe, but also among breeders of the New World. In the United States and Canada, their own standards of appearance of golden retrievers have been formed. In Russia, the descendants of Scottish retrievers were imported after the collapse of the USSR, all from the same America. The first purebred dog came to the territory of the Russian Federation in 1991.

Appearance of the golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers are beautiful dogs with sharp eyes and a luxurious iridescent coat. Their recognition largely depends on the efforts of marketers, especially in American cinema. If a family in the United States ever decides to get a dog, then in 9 cases out of 10 it will be a golden Retriever.

Sexual dimorphism in this breed is pronounced. The average height of the male is 56-60 cm, and the weight can reach 41 kg. The average weight of females is 25-37 kg, and the height is 51-56 cm, they are much lighter and smaller than males.

Although the FCI has approved a single breed standard, experts divide golden retrievers into three types: :


american and


The English type has massive paws and a wide skull, and the coat color can be white. American retrievers have a more elegant posture, but their fur is darker than that of their British relatives. Canadian Retrievers are leaner and taller than other types, and their coats are even darker and richer.


The head has a broad and rounded shape with a powerful skull and strong jaws. The golden retriever's muzzle is straight, but not too long.


The lips of a golden retriever have a strong structure and can be powerful and dense, but at the same time they are soft to the touch. The retriever's lips should not hang down or turn out, they should fit well to the teeth and not interfere with his food intake.

Jaws and teeth

The mouth of a golden retriever has powerful and strong jaws, with 42 teeth. Retriever teeth have straight crowns located on a small bite. The retriever's mouth is wide enough to allow it to pick up and hold large objects such as balls or game.

Golden retrievers have strong teeth that can easily crush and chew hard objects.


The nose of a golden retriever is usually black or brown, leathery and moist. It has an oval shape and is located on the dog's muzzle between the eyes. The nose serves an important function for the retriever, helping it detect and locate objects and odors, as well as helping with navigation and orientation. Golden retrievers have a well-developed sense of smell, and their noses can be very sensitive to odors.


The golden retriever's ears are shaped like rather large and wide triangles with rounded tips. They are located quite low on the head, but not too low so as not to block the eyes. The ears are covered with short, thick and soft fur, just like the rest of the dog's body. Retrievers can have slightly fluffy ears that hang down and give them extra charm. Golden retriever ears are very mobile, which allows them to express emotions and move their ears in different directions to better hear the surrounding sounds.


The golden retriever's eyes are large, rounded and usually have a dark brown color. They are located quite far from each other on the face, which gives the dog a kind and open look. The eyes of golden retrievers usually express kindness and friendliness, which is one of the characteristic features of this breed. In addition, the eyes of retrievers have a very sensitive structure, which provides them with good vision and the ability to deftly switch from object to object during hunting or games.


The golden retriever's neck is strong and muscular, which helps it hold its head and perform other physical tasks. It has an average length and corresponds proportionally to the size of the dog's body. The neck merges smoothly into the body, which gives the retriever an elegant and graceful appearance. The skin on the neck of the retriever is dense and does not fold, and the hair on the neck is thick and thick, but not too long.


The body of the golden retriever is quite powerful and muscular, with a broad chest and a straight back. Dogs of this breed usually have a well-proportioned build with strong bones and well-developed muscles. They have a long and strong neck that runs smoothly into the body. The retriever's chest is wide and deep, which allows it to breathe easily and maintain endurance during physical exertion. The golden retriever's belly tapers easily to the waist and gives the dog a slim waist. They have a straight and strong back, which helps the dog maintain proper posture.


The golden retriever's tail is moderately long and strong. It has a wide, thickened base and a cone-shaped tip. The tail is located below the back and is usually lowered in a calm dog. However, when the retriever is excited, the tail can be raised to the level of the back. The tail is one of the most important tools for the retriever used when transporting objects. In addition, a highly raised tail often indicates the joy and excitement of the dog.


The front and hind legs of the golden retriever are strong and muscular, with well-developed bones and joints. They are proportional to the size of the dog's body and provide it with good support and stability when moving.

The front legs of the golden retriever have a straight and vertical axis located under the shoulder. The shoulder joint of the retriever is very powerful and mobile, which allows them to move and run freely. The elbow joint on the retriever's front legs is also powerful and flexible, allowing the dog to easily perform many different movements. The retriever's paws have a rounded shape with thick, powerful pads and strong claws, which provides them with excellent cushioning and grip on the surface.

The hind legs of the golden retriever also have a straight and vertical axis located under the hip. The retriever's hip joint is very powerful and flexible, which gives them great strength and speed when running and jumping. The ankle joint on the hind legs is also very flexible and powerful, allowing the dog to perform various movements. The retriever's paws have the same rounded shape as the front paws.


The coat of the golden Retriever is one of the most prominent and attractive features of this breed. It is dense, thick and soft to the touch, with a water-repellent undercoat that helps the dog stay warm and dry during swimming and wet weather conditions.

The golden Retriever's coat has two layers: a short and dense undercoat that protects the dog from the cold, and a long, thick and soft hair that gives it an attractive appearance. The hair on the head and front paws is usually short, smooth and dense, while on the body, neck and hind legs it is longer and fluffy. The coat on the retriever's tail is also long and fluffy, which gives the tail the appearance of a feather blizzard.

The retriever's coat requires regular grooming, including daily combing to avoid tangles and hair loss, as well as regular washing and grooming to keep it healthy and attractive.


The color of the golden retriever is one of its most distinctive features. It usually has a golden or cream hue, which can be darker or lighter depending on the particular dog. The coat color of a golden retriever may also change slightly with age or depending on exposure to sunlight.

Golden Retrievers may also have a small white mark on their chest or paws, but this is not standard for the breed and does not affect the quality or health of the dog. There is also a subspecies of golden retrievers – the English cream retriever, which has a lighter cream-colored coat.

Regardless of the specific shade, the golden Retriever's color usually looks shiny and healthy, which gives the dog an attractive appearance.

Possible defects

Golden retrievers have standard characteristics that are required to participate in exhibitions and other competitions. It is undesirable for retrievers to have sparse or too long hair, white stripes on the chest, or light eyes that are too close together.

There may also be additional breed defects that may exclude the animal from participating in the competition. Some of these defects may include a square body, long or short legs, malocclusion, cryptorchidism, lip color, eyelids, and nose lobes other than black, a white "scarf" on the neck and forehead ridges, a black coat color with spots, and a drooping tail.

Certain personality traits, such as aggression or cowardice, as well as anatomical features such as a small head, short ears, and small teeth, can also exclude a retriever from participating in competitions.

In general, to participate in competitions and exhibitions, a golden Retriever must meet the standard breed characteristics and not have serious breed defects or anomalies.

Character of the Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers are a breed of dog that is very popular among owners. They have a gentle and loyal personality, making them ideal companions for people of all ages.

Golden retrievers are very friendly and affectionate, making them a great choice for families with children. They do not show aggressiveness and easily find a common language with other animals.

The golden retriever's personality can be described as calm and balanced. They are not conflicted and try to solve all problems in peace, even in the most difficult situations. They are very patient and correct animals that do not show suspicion and caution towards strangers.

Golden retrievers are very fond of communication and attention from people. They are human-oriented and always want to share their emotions and joys. It is for this reason that they are also used in canister therapy, helping people cope with depression and find joy in life.

Although golden retrievers do not show aggression and are not guards of territory and material values, they will always be your loyal friend and will take pity on you at any time.

Education and training

Golden Retrievers have an intelligence and desire to please their owner, which allows them to quickly learn new commands. However, as with all dogs, the process of raising and training a golden Retriever requires patience, diligence, and consistency.

The basics of parenting should be laid from a very early age, starting with the socialization of the puppy. This will help him get used to people and other animals, as well as learn to control his instincts and behavior in various situations. It is also important to teach the puppy proper manners, including hygiene and behavior in the house.

When the retriever reaches a certain age, you can start training. The main task of training a golden retriever is to teach him commands and establish clear rules of behavior. It is important to remember that the punishment should not be cruel or physical – it can lead to a breach of trust and even behavioral problems.

Instead, training should be positive and encouraging, using rewards for correct behavior. It can be a delicious meal or a favorite toy, as well as a lot of positive words and affectionate touches. It is also important to train the retriever for everyday commands such as "sit”," lie down”, " fas " and "to the place".

For future hunters, it is necessary to conduct training in nature, starting from an early age, so that the dog learns to search and bring prey. The skill is worked out gradually, starting with the use of dummies and rags. Six-month-old puppies can start teaching swimming commands and whistle obedience. The optimal age for training a dog's endurance is 12 months, since it needs to be able to sit in ambush when hunting. Memory training exercises are also useful for golden retrievers.

Maintenance and care

Although golden retrievers have always been specialized in hunting, today's owners of these furry "lifers" do not necessarily have to go hunting. Long walks in parks and meadows can easily replace tedious races through forests and swamps. If you want to take your dog to a country house, then this is great, but you should not turn your pet into a mongrel and settle it in a doghouse. The golden Retriever will not appreciate your impulse and will become discouraged, so keep it in the house and do not deprive it of its company.

Keeping a golden retriever in an apartment is a test of the owner's responsibility and hard work. The lack of free space, physical activity and impressions should be compensated by regular walks in combination with physical exertion. Golden Retrievers do not cope well with loneliness and can show insecurity and fear, which can be expressed in gnawing furniture and wires, as well as damage to shoes. Locking Golden up in four walls and leaving for work is the worst punishment that a master can think of for his pet. If you are a careerist, a workaholic, a traveler, or a busy individual, then a golden Retriever as a pet is not the right choice for you.


Golden Retrievers have a long, thick coat that requires regular grooming and hygiene procedures. First, you need to brush your pet's teeth regularly to prevent tartar and other oral health problems. It is recommended to use special toothbrushes and pastes for dogs.

Secondly, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the ears and clean them of sulfur and dirt to prevent infections and other problems. To do this, you can use special ear cleaners and cotton swabs.

It is also necessary to regularly cut the pet's claws so that they do not cause discomfort when walking and do not clog the coat. If you are not sure how to properly trim your claws, it is best to contact a veterinarian or an experienced groomer.

Do not forget to regularly clean and care for your pet's fur. A daily comb will help to avoid the formation of lumps and crumpled areas on the wool. It is recommended to use special combs and combs for dogs with long hair.


Proper feeding of a golden retriever is of great importance for its health and longevity. Depending on the age, weight, activity, and health status of the dog, an appropriate diet can be selected.

The main type of food for golden retrievers is high-quality dry food. The main sources of protein should be meat or meat offal (chicken, beef, turkey, etc.), as well as fish. Vegetables and fruits such as carrots, broccoli, and apples can be added to your dog's diet to provide him with sufficient vitamins and minerals.

Feeding a golden Retriever with natural food is possible, but requires careful planning and regular monitoring. It is important to balance your dog's diet to provide him with all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals. The basis of the diet consists of meat (beef, chicken, turkey), fish, eggs, cereals, vegetables and fruits.

Meat should make up 40-50% of the diet, and preference is given to meat of low-fat varieties. Fish can be given 1-2 times a week, but only boiled and boneless. Eggs can be given 1-2 times a week, preferably boiled or braided in porridge. Cereals, especially oatmeal and rice, are a source of carbohydrates and fiber. Vegetables and fruits can be given as a mixture or in separate portions. It is best to choose seasonal vegetables and fruits, but do not forget about their potentially dangerous properties (for example, grapes, avocado, onions and garlic are not recommended to give to dogs).

Do not forget about additional sources of nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals. They can be given in the form of special supplements or added to the diet with natural products (for example, calcium can be obtained from finely ground bones or lime flour).

It is important to remember that when feeding natural food, it is necessary to regularly monitor the weight and health of the dog in order to adjust the diet in time. It is also necessary to pay attention to the number of calories and not overfeed the animal to avoid obesity.

It is not recommended to feed the golden retriever lunches and dinners prepared for humans? and some products can even be dangerous for the dog. Here is a list of foods that are not recommended for golden retrievers:

Chocolate and other foods containing theobromine can cause serious poisoning, even fatal, in dogs.

Chicken bones and other bones from meat can cause dental problems, damage to the esophagus, stomach, and intestines.

Onions, garlic, and other foods that contain sulfates can cause bleeding, anemia, and red blood cell damage.

Grapes, raisins, and dried fruits can cause poisoning, kidney damage, and heart damage.

Coffee and other caffeinated foods can cause nervous system damage, heart damage, and seizures.

Alcohol and other alcoholic beverages can cause poisoning, liver damage, and nervous system damage.

Milk and dairy products can cause food intolerances, diarrhea, and stomach upset.

Sweets and other foods that contain sugar can cause you to be overweight and have problems with your teeth and gums.

Salty foods and salty foods can cause dehydration, high blood pressure, and other cardiovascular problems.

In addition, it is very important to monitor the amount of food you give your dog. Being overweight can lead to serious diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, and heart failure. It is recommended that you consult your veterinarian to find out what portion of food is suitable for your dog.

Finally, don't forget to have access to fresh water all day long. A golden retriever should always have access to clean water to avoid dehydration and other problems.

Important: The golden Retriever is prone to overeating, so keep an eye on the number of servings and don't overfeed it.

It is usually recommended to feed the Golden Retriever 2 times a day. However, this may depend on the specific animal, its age, activity level, and overall health. Golden Retriever pups up to 4 months old receive food 5 times a day. From 5 months, babies are transferred to 4 meals a day. After reaching the age of six months, it is recommended to feed adolescents 3 times a day, and by 8 months, puppies completely switch to 2-time feeding.

Care during the molt period

During the molting period, the golden Retriever needs additional care to help him cope with the process and maintain the health of the coat. Here are some tips to help you take care of your golden Retriever during the molt period:

Regular combing and cleaning: regular combing and brushing will help remove excess hair and prevent tangles from forming, Golden retriever puppies dog. Use special combs and brushes to remove the undercoat.

Bathing mode: Regular bathing during the molt period helps remove dead hair and dead skin cells. However, avoid strong shampoos that can irritate your dog's skin.

Nutrition: Proper nutrition is also important during the molting season. Make sure that your golden Retriever is getting enough nutrients, including protein, fat, and vitamins.

Supplements: Supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins can help improve coat quality and reduce hair loss.

Visit the veterinarian: If you notice severe hair loss or other symptoms such as itchy or red skin, contact your veterinarian. They may prescribe treatment or additional measures of care.


Walking is an important part of a golden retriever's life. This breed requires daily physical activity and a lot of movement, so regular walking is very important for its health and happiness. Here are some tips to help you make walking a golden retriever as enjoyable and rewarding as possible for your pet:

Choose the right time: golden retrievers like activity and lots of movement, so it's best to walk them during the day when the weather is warm and bright. However, if you are walking your dog in the heat, be sure to protect it from overheating by allowing it to rest and drink water.

Play together: Golden Retrievers love to play and have companionship with their owner, so bring game elements such as balls, frisbees, or other toys to the paddock.

Give them a chance to run: Golden Retrievers love to run, so let them run and accelerate in a safe place like a park or countryside.

Teach commands: Teach the golden Retriever commands such as "sit”," stop”, "face" and "stand up". This will help you control your dog while walking and strengthen your bond.

Avoid potentially dangerous situations: Pay attention to the environment and avoid places where your golden Retriever might encounter hazards, such as poorly closed gates, busy roads, or abandoned areas.

It is recommended to walk at least 1-2 hours a day. This can be 1-2 walks of 30-60 minutes each, or one long walk.

However, the amount of time required to walk a golden Retriever may depend on your dog's age, activity level, and health. Puppies may need to walk more frequently than adult dogs. Older dogs, as well as those who suffer from health problems, may also need a more limited range.

Attitude to water

Most golden retrievers love water. This is a breed that was originally bred to work on the water, so swimming and just swimming is one of the favorite activities of the golden ones. Most members of the breed can swim perfectly and enjoy this process. They are not afraid of wet wool and take bathing as a pleasant entertainment, especially in hot weather. In addition, swimming can be good for golden's health, helping him keep fit and strengthen his muscles. However, as with any other dog, it is necessary to monitor the safety of golden in the water and avoid hypothermia.

What not to do with a Golden retriever

There are a number of things that should not be done with a golden retriever, so as not to harm its health and well-being:

Never leave your dog unattended for long periods of time. Golden Retrievers love to interact with people and often suffer from loneliness and separation.

Don't feed Golden human food. Some foods that are safe for humans can be harmful to dogs, including golden Retrievers. In addition, over-feeding your dog can lead to obesity and other health problems.

Don't ignore your dog's physical and mental needs. Golden Retrievers need daily walks and exercise, as well as mental stimulation, to stay healthy and happy.

Do not use harsh training or punishing methods. Golden Retrievers have a sensitive nature and respond better to positive reinforcement and encouragement than to severe punishment.

Don't play too rough or aggressive with golden. These dogs are very good-natured and gentle by nature, so rough handling or playing with force can lead to injuries and negative behavior.

Golden retriever and children

The Golden Retriever is a great companion for children of all ages. This breed is known for its gentle and friendly nature, making it an ideal partner for children who can be noisy, playful and unpredictable.

Golden retrievers are friendly and patient, which makes it easy for them to interact with children. They love to play and take part in children's games, and are often great babysitters for toddlers. However, as with any relationship between animals and children, it is important to observe their interactions and teach children how to handle their pet properly.

At the first meeting with a dog, children should be taught that the animal needs respect and care, and it is necessary to learn to feel the boundaries of your pet. It is also necessary to teach children proper handling of animals and prohibit them from teasing or offending the pet.

Golden Retriever and other animals

The golden retriever has a friendly and sociable personality, so he usually gets along with all the animals that he has to deal with in everyday life. They are good at socializing with other dogs, cats, birds, and other pets.

It is important to understand that each animal has its own character and characteristics, so you need to control the situation and never leave the dog unattended near other animals, especially if we are talking about large and aggressive breeds. In addition, early socialization and training of the dog play an important role in shaping its behavior and attitude to other animals.

Main diseases of the Golden Retriever breed

Golden Retrievers are a relatively healthy breed, but just like any other dog, they may encounter certain diseases. Some of the most common diseases that can affect the Golden Retriever include:

Hip dysplasia is a disorder of hip joint formation that can lead to chronic pain and restricted movement. Hip dysplasia is common in large breed dogs, including golden Retrievers.

Atopic dermatitis is an allergic reaction to various substances in the environment that can cause itching, redness, and rashes on the skin.

Heart disease-Golden retrievers can develop various heart conditions, such as mitral stenosis, aortic stenosis, and others.

Obese-Golden Retrievers can gain weight quickly, especially if they don't get enough exercise and are fed too high-calorie foods. Obesity can lead to serious health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, and joint problems.

Cancer – Like any other dog, golden Retrievers can develop cancer. Some of the most common cancers that Golden Retrievers face include skin tumors, breast tumors, lymph node tumors, and others.

It is important to understand that not all diseases can be prevented, but regular visits to the vet, proper nutrition, and sufficient physical activity can reduce the risk of many diseases in golden retrievers.

How to choose a Golden Retriever puppy

When choosing a golden Retriever puppy, there are several important points to consider:

Choose a responsible breeder who looks after the health of parents and cubs, provides puppies with proper nutrition, socialization and vaccinations.

Get acquainted with the pedigree of the future puppy and learn about the health of its parents and ancestors. This will help reduce the likelihood of hereditary diseases.

Visit the kennel or breeder's house to see the puppies live and assess their condition. Puppies should be active, social and playful.

Pay attention to the external signs of the puppy: a healthy puppy should have a shiny, soft and smooth coat, clean ears and eyes, healthy teeth and gums.

Talk to your breeder about potential problems that may arise when keeping a golden retriever, and make sure that you are willing to take responsibility for taking care of the puppy.

Do not choose the largest or smallest puppy in the litter, they may have health problems. It is better to choose an average puppy size.

Remember that golden retrievers are very social creatures and need a lot of attention and care. Therefore, choose a puppy only when you are ready to take full responsibility for it.

Activities for the Golden Retriever

For golden retrievers, there are many activities that help not only keep them physically fit, but also develop their intellectual and social skills.

One of the most popular events for the Golden family is the dog show, where you can show off your pet and get an expert opinion. There are also special competitions for golden retrievers in aportirovka, swimming and other skills that meet their natural inclinations.

For active golden dogs, there is a sports discipline called “agiliti", where the dog overcomes various obstacles for speed and accuracy, which helps to develop coordination and dexterity. Canicross is also a popular activity for Goldens – long-distance races with the owner.

For socialization and communication with other dogs, you can take part in” friendly meetings " for dogs or simply organize walks with your dog breeders. Some owners of golden retrievers also involve their pets in activities as part of canister therapy-helping people with psychological problems or physical limitations.

In addition, it is important not to forget about everyday walks and workouts that help keep your pet healthy and in a good mood.

How much does a golden Retriever puppy cost?

The price range of golden Retriever puppies can vary depending on many factors, such as the reputation of the kennel, the pedigree of the parents, the availability of documents and other services provided by the owner of the puppy. On average, the price of a golden retriever puppy in Russia can start from 40-50 thousand rubles and reach up to several hundred thousand, depending on all the above factors. However, it is worth noting that the price does not always guarantee the quality and health of the puppy, so it is important to choose a cattery and seller taking into account the reputation and recommendations.

Interesting facts

The Golden Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world.

This breed was bred in the United States of America in the late 19th century.

Golden Retrievers are so called because of their golden coat, which can be different shades-from pale cream to rich honey.

Golden retrievers were originally bred to hunt waterfowl such as ducks and geese.

This breed of dog is known for its friendliness and sociability. They get along easily with humans and other animals, and they are often used in canister therapy (a method of treatment and rehabilitation using specially trained dogs) and other programs to help people.

Golden Retrievers have an excellent memory and intelligence, which makes them excellent candidates for training and participating in competitions.

The breed has been popularized in film and television, appearing in such films as Shrek, Marley and Me, Ghostbusters, and the television series Frasier.

The golden Retriever is one of the few dog species that can smile.

This breed has an incredible love of water and can swim for a long time.

Golden retrievers have an innate tendency to chew, which can be a problem for their owners if they are not given enough toys to keep them entertained.


Photos and development of golden Retriever puppies in 1-12 months


Golden Retrievers are the epitome of calm and good nature. The breed is considered a real "family" – they are kind, loyal, cheerful creatures. In order for a puppy to grow into a large and healthy dog, you need a full-fledged diet, constant physical exercise, and decent conditions of detention. All this affects its development and well-being.

Golden retrievers are born blind and deaf. However, they already have a developed sense of smell, babies can react to cold and heat. They try to crawl around their "nest" in search of their mother.

In the neonatal period of development, it is important for pups to eat a full meal – the owner shifts weak babies to the dog's rear teats filled with milk. It is necessary to protect the family from drafts, temperature changes, maintain comfortable lighting, air humidity near their "nest".

Newborn golden retrievers:

1 month

Monthly golden retrievers are gradually transferred to complementary foods. Puppies eat 5-6 times a day, which is not so much at the rate of their growth – it seems that they increase every hour.

If the baby has a poor appetite, the frequency of feeding is not reduced – only portions are reduced. Be sure to find out the cause – stubbornness, helminths, disease.

In the photo, video – a month-old golden Retriever:

2 month

At the age of two months, puppies find a new home. In the first days, the owner's care is especially important for them – the baby is experiencing separation from the family, is afraid of unfamiliar space. They try to feed it with the usual food, gradually transferring it to a new diet. Food – either natural or feed. Mixing is not recommended – it leads to problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Recommended food for the retriever:

fermented milk products;

calcined cottage cheese, grated cheese;

boiled egg yolk;

lean meat scalded with boiling water – small pieces, slices;

boiled, raw, mashed vegetables: pumpkin, carrots, cabbage;

porridge: buckwheat, rice;

chopped greens;

vegetable puree, soup;

boiled low-fat fish without seeds, entrails.

Puppies are offered only fresh and high-quality food. Potatoes, sharp bones, fatty meat, pasta, raw fish, any sweets, chocolate, canned food for people, and pearl barley are prohibited.

Photos and videos of retrievers in 2 months:

3 month

Up to 4 months, puppies practically do not drink – the owner soaks the food in water. But the drinking bowl should always be filled with fresh water. The frequency of feedings is gradually reduced – by the year the dog eats strictly 1-2 times a day without "snacking". After lunch, her bowl is removed.

From the 3rd month, vitamin complexes are added to the puppy's food. The most effective ones are taken in courses with 1-2 monthly breaks.

In the photo, video – 3-month-old Golden Retriever puppies:

4 month

The owner of the dog proceeds to the upbringing and training of the grown-up puppy. Everything that the child learns at this age will remain with him for the rest of his life. Therefore, the owner does not ignore any prank, disobedience-scolds in a strict voice, and then ignores the dog. If you turn a blind eye to the pet's unworthy behavior, it will accept it as normal.

Golden Retrievers at 4 months old:p

5 month

The retriever's upbringing continues – "conversations" take place between the owner and the dog at the level of eye contact. If the puppy looks into the eyes, looks for the owner's gaze, then it feels a leader in the person. If the owner is not interested in him, the upbringing is wrong, the dog is allowed too much.

We recommend viewing it:

Guide dogs for the blind and visually impaired

Training sessions are short (15-20 minutes), in the form of a game – up to 1 year the dog's skeleton is still fragile, unformed. Long runs and jumps can lead to developmental disorders and injuries.

In the photo, video-golden Retriever puppies at 5 months old:

6 month

Retrievers are hunting dogs. The owner should encourage, not suppress, this feature of the dog. The puppy will be happy to look for hidden treats, toys, and bring them to the owner – this is how intelligence, smell, and sharp vision are trained. With the dog, walking next to each other, endurance is also practiced.

Six-month-old golden retrievers:

7-12 months

By this age, the golden retriever perfectly knows the commands – "to me", "can not", "sit", "give", "lie down". The dog eats only with permission, keeps close to the owner on walks. Her physical development is completed, her behavioral characteristics are formed.

If the owner did not raise the dog, beat him, severely punished him, the "fruits"are already visible. A good-natured retriever with such treatment becomes a nervous, angry, unruly animal.

Photos of adult golden retrievers:

Weight and height of puppies

Next – standard indicators of development of golden Retriever puppies by month. These parameters are averaged – kutyats can grow and gain weight more slowly, faster, depending on their genetic predisposition.

The main thing is that the baby feels good: he eats with an appetite, plays cheerfully, and sleeps well. Overfeed a puppy in order to raise a large dog is not worth it-retrievers are prone to obesity.

Parameters of adult dogs:

Boys: height at the withers – 56-61 cm.

Girls: height at the withers – 51-56 cm.

The parameters of an animal also depend on its "career": retrievers participating in exhibitions are more plump and rounded, and "working" dogs are fit and lean.

When buying a puppy

Golden babies of 2-3 months are being prepared for sale. Their cost is 35-100 thousand rubles. Experts advise you to buy a pet in dog training clubs, kennels – they sell purebred retrievers with passports that list their pedigree.

Buying a puppy "off hand" at a low price is a bad idea. Under the guise of a golden Retriever puppy, mestizos, "nobles"are sold. The animal may not have the qualities for which the family breed is so valued.

The low price of a puppy sometimes indicates that the baby is a "tribal marriage" – he has a broken bite, developed cryptorchidism. This hinders the show career, but does not prevent kutenk from becoming a family favorite.

In addition to the passport, the breeder must provide a puppy card with the following information::

nickname of the puppy and its parents;

coordinates of the breeder or cattery;

stamp number.

The baby's ear is already marked. The future owner checks the brand with the number in the puppy's card.

The golden retriever has its own veterinary passport with information about the first helminthization and vaccination: when the procedures were performed, what drugs were used. A conscientious breeder supplies the buyer with a 2-3-day supply of the usual food for the puppy, so that the change of diet in the new house goes smoothly.


One of the most popular breeds in the world is the Golden Retriever. They are ideal for families with children, for sporty young people and even for active pensioners. This is a good-natured, calm dog, very intelligent and loyal. She will become a reliable friend, companion, hunting assistant or nanny for children. But these dogs also have disadvantages. Before starting this breed, you need to study its description, pros and cons, and owner reviews.


Characteristics of the breed

Features of the breed

General characteristics of golden retrievers

Pros of the breed

Disadvantages of the breed

History of the origin of the Golden Retriever breed

Description of the appearance of the Golden Retriever breed





Coat and colors


Differences from Labrador

Character of the Golden Retriever

Training features

Features of keeping golden retrievers




How to buy a Golden Retriever puppy


Characteristics of the breed

Height (cm): 61

Weight (kg.): 36

Life span (years): 14

Molt rate: 5 out of 5

Aggressiveness: 1 out of 5

Need for care: 3 out of 5

Friendliness: 5 out of 5

Health: 3 out of 5

Attitude to loneliness: 3 out of 5

Intelligence: 5 out of 5

Security: 3 out of 5

Noise: 3 out of 5

General characteristics of golden retrievers

The golden Retriever is a medium-sized dog that loves people, is ready to serve the owner and run any errands. And the only thing he needs in return is love and affection. These dogs are very fond of children, find a common language with all family members and other pets. They are loving, sociable and funny. They need to always be in the center of attention, help the owner, participate in all matters.

Golden Retrievers are one of the few dogs that are suitable for canister therapy. They work in hospitals and hospices, help people recover from psychological trauma, and have a beneficial effect on children with developmental disabilities. They are also called "shaggy antidepressants", they feel the state of a person and help to relieve stress. These dogs become excellent guides for the blind and disabled, very loyal, eager to help the owner.

Even without special training, the retriever will rush to the aid of a person in trouble. These are excellent rescuers: they pull out drowning people, search for people under the rubble. Suitable for working in the police, customs.

Pros of the breed

Golden Retrievers are dogs that make perfect companions, good hunters, babysitters for children, and guide dogs. They love people so much that they will never rush, even though they will protect the owner. Goldens, as their owners call them, are ready to serve a person all day, fulfilling all his wishes. And high intelligence and sensitivity allow them to guess even the facial expressions and mood of the owner. There are many more advantages for representatives of this breed:

they are very friendly, good-natured people.;

sociable, funny, easy-going people;

they are not aggressive, never get into conflicts, get along with all pets;

patient, noiseless, never barking over nothing;

thanks to its medium size, it can be kept in a city apartment;

loyal, loyal, very attached to the owner and family members, love to help them, serve;

smart, quick-witted, obedient;

they have a good reaction, are able to make independent decisions, so they often save people in a critical situation.;

they have a keen ear, a keen sense of smell, can be used in hunting, in the service of the police;

they treat children well, tolerate all their tricks, can become a nanny for them or a playmate;

they are not prone to domination and manipulation.

Disadvantages of the breed

Despite the many advantages, this breed is not suitable for everyone. The retriever will cause inconvenience to stay-at-home people and calm people, as it is quite active and sociable. And those who are not at home for a long time, it is not recommended to get these dogs because they do not tolerate loneliness. Golden has a few other disadvantages:

strongly shed, not suitable for allergy sufferers;

rather long, thick coat requires serious care, can smell like a dog;

tend to overeat, pick up food on the street;

they love to swim, can climb into any water bodies, even puddles;

quite active, with a lack of attention can spoil things, dig up the garden;

there are no protective qualities at all, they are friendly to strangers.

An interesting video about golden retrievers will help you learn more about their advantages and disadvantages:

Go over


Video: Golden Retriever-a breed devoid of aggression. This is the friendliest dog

Video: Pros and cons of the Golden Retriever breed

History of the origin of the Golden Retriever breed

The Golden Retriever breed was bred in Great Britain in the mid-19th century. At that time, bird hunting was popular, and there were few dogs that could bring shot game or swim into the lake for a fallen bird. The breed was bred by Lord Tweedmouth.

According to one version, he acquired several dogs in a traveling circus that impressed him with their intelligence. But from the pedigree books on Lord Tweedmouth's estate, you can see that the Tweed Water Spaniel, now an extinct breed, was used in breeding. These dogs were bred with retrievers, labradors, Irish setters, bloodhounds and small varieties of Newfoundland.

As a result of breeding work, a dog with an unusual golden coat color appeared by the beginning of the XX century. She was smart, tough, and not afraid of water. She could find shot game in any thicket and brought it to the owner without damaging it with her teeth. In 1913, the breed was recognized by the English Kennel Club. It was named golden or golden retriever. The first word is associated with the color of wool, and the second is translated as "bring".

Gradually, the breed became popular in Europe. Since the 30s, it has been bred in the United States. There, preference was given to individuals with a brighter, richer coat color. These dogs were less often used for hunting, they became companions. The breed came to Russia only at the end of the XX century. Since 1991, the golden retriever has become popular in our country.

The Golden Retriever is a medium-sized dog with a strong build and a luxuriant wavy coat. He has a fairly recognizable attractive appearance. Due to their natural charm and desire to serve people, retrievers often appear in films and commercials.


The first breed standard was adopted in 1913. Golden Retrievers are dogs of medium height, harmoniously built. They belong to large breeds. The height of the male can reach 61 cm, and the weight – 41 kg. Bitches are slightly smaller, with an average weight of 25-35 kg.


The head is quite large, proportional to the body. The skull is convex, the muzzle is elongated, but not narrow, tapering gradually to the nose. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is well defined. The lips are black, the upper one is slightly overhanging, but does not form blisters. There are small creases at the corners of the mouth. Jaws strong, teeth large, scissor bite. The nose is rather large, black, and the nostrils are wide and mobile.

The eyes are large, round, deep and wide set. The color is dark - from light to dark brown. The eyelids are black and close-fitting. The look is intelligent, friendly, and attentive. The ears are medium-sized, set above the eye line. They are wide at the base and rounded at the tips. They hang down along the cheeks.


Neck: Muscular, medium length, set high. There are no wrinkles or sagging skin on the neck and chest. The body is harmonious, rectangular in shape – the height at the withers is greater than the length. Musculature is well defined. The back is straight, the withers are clearly visible. The loin is convex, the croup is rounded, slightly sloping.

The chest is deep, the ribs are rounded, and the belly is taut. The tail is thick at the base and set low. It has an average length, and is lowered when at rest. Even an excited dog never throws it on its back.


The limbs are muscular, strong, and straight. Elbows pressed, shoulder blades pulled back. Pasterns of the forelimbs are short. The hind legs are wide apart. Hock joints are set low. The paws are rounded, the pads are large, the fingers are gathered in a ball. Dogs move easily, confidently, and gracefully. They are hardy, can run for a long time.

Photos complement the description of the appearance of representatives of the breed:

Coat and colors

The coat is thick, smooth, pleasant to the touch, of moderate length. It has water-repellent properties. The hair fits snugly to the body, the undercoat is dense, fluffy. The coat may be straight or slightly wavy. It is longer on the chest, ears, back of the limbs, tail and body.

The main color of the golden retriever is from cream to gold. The color scheme can be milky, dark gold or white. There may be a lighter coat on the legs, tail and belly, and a small white spot on the chest. Black, brown or bright red color, spots of other color are unacceptable.


In 1954, the breed standard was adopted, which defines the main features of the appearance of these dogs. But some breeders distinguish three types of retrievers: American, Canadian and European.

English or European dogs have more massive legs and a wider skull. Their color is lighter, there are almost white dogs. This type is common in Europe.

American Retrievers are dogs with a graceful, athletic build. The coat color of this type is darker, can be red.

Canadian golden retrievers have the highest growth. They have a lean build and a rich, dark coat color. Canadian retrievers are not so popular, they are almost not found in Europe.

Photos of breed varieties:

Differences from Labrador

Because of their common ancestry, the golden Retriever is somewhat similar to the Labrador Retriever. But it has a longer coat, an elegant build, and a lighter color. Labradors are larger, more powerful, and their fur is short and stiff. Color can be red, black.

The photo shows how the golden Retriever differs from the Labrador Retriever:

Golden Retriever on the left, Labrador on the right

Character of the Golden Retriever

Now Golden dogs occupy the first places in the ratings of the most popular breeds in the world. They can charm anyone with their balanced character, intelligence and good nature. These pets are completely non-conflict, in any situation they remain calm, do not enter into fights. And it's impossible for Golden to throw himself at a human. But in a dangerous situation, they are able to repel even a serious opponent, because this is a strong, strong and hardy dog.

The golden Retriever is focused on people, ready to serve and help them. He tries to bring benefits, participate in all the affairs of the owner, accompany him. It is no coincidence that this dog is the best companion. But Golden can't become a security guard or a caretaker, he loves all people. This dog is not suspicious and aggressive.

It is also one of the most popular breeds for canister therapy.With its kindness, gentleness and optimism, the dog helps people regain the joy of life, get rid of aggression, and restore health. Owners of golden coins note that they have a lot of positive energy, which they are ready to share with the person.

The golden Retriever is the best pet for families with children. He loves kids, tolerates all their tricks, protects them. Golden will never hurt or harm a child. This dog is characterized by an unusual softness and accuracy, which is not found in other animals. He can become a babysitter and best friend for the child.

You can note such qualities of character inherent in Golden:

good nature;



conflict-free operation;







quick wit;

good memory;


This dog is sanguine by temperament. She likes active games, swimming, jogging. She constantly needs the communication and attention of her beloved owner, without him she will be very bored. Goldenies do not tend to be dominant, they get along well with other pets, they are ready to obey a person. But thanks to their high intelligence, they are able to make independent decisions: in a dangerous situation, this dog will rush to the rescue even without the owner's command.

Training features

Golden Retrievers are very intelligent dogs that are easy to train. According to research by scientists, they are on the 4th place out of 133 in terms of intelligence among dogs. Because of their intelligence, they grasp everything on the fly, quickly learn commands, understand the gestures and facial expressions of the owner. But you need to start training your pet from an early age.

From the first days of appearance in the house, the puppy should begin to learn the rules of behavior. Retrievers are very active and playful, so they can cause a lot of problems without proper upbringing. It is especially important to teach the commands "sit", "come to me", "can not", "place". On the street, you need to learn to walk side by side, not pick up from the ground, stop on command. Immediately you need to forbid jumping on your hands, getting paws on a person, because an adult golden is a fairly large dog.

In education, it is important to show consistency, prohibitions must be observed by all family members. You need to be patient, you can't yell at your pet, and it's even more unacceptable to use physical punishment. Goldens are quite touchy, this can lead to psychological trauma. When training, be sure to use encouragement, affection and treats. This pet quickly understands what is required of it, so it will try to follow the command and please the owner.

If a retriever starts up to help with hunting, you can start training from 5-6 months. The puppy should often be taken out into nature, taught to bring aport, swim, obey the whistle, lie still. It is advisable to conduct such training under the guidance of an experienced dog handler.

These dogs are easily trained, so they are often used for work at customs, in the police. Thanks to their sensitive nose, they can search for drugs, explosives, and other prohibited substances. Goldens are also used in rescue teams. They are easy to teach agility, freestyle and other dog sports. And because of their attractive appearance, they are often shot in advertising, movies.

An interesting video will complement Golden's description:

Video: Golden Retriever-All about the breed

Video: Golden Retriever breed description! All about the dog breed!

Features of keeping golden retrievers

Despite the fact that the Golden ones were bred as hunting dogs, they now live quietly in a city apartment. But they need long walks, preferably in the park or on the dog playground. These pets need a lot of running, they love outdoor games. Walk with an adult pet twice a day for at least 1-1. 5 hours.

It is undesirable to keep a retriever in a booth or even more so on a chain, it is important for him to constantly communicate with a person. Do not deprive your pet of your attention, because of boredom, he can start gnawing furniture and things. On average, dogs of this breed live 10-12 years, but if you properly care for your pet and create favorable conditions for it, it will live longer.


The main problem of caring for retrievers is a thick coat. They have a plentiful molt, even daily combing does not help to escape from wool on furniture and things. Therefore, it is better not to start such a dog for allergy sufferers. During the molting period, it is recommended to comb the pet 2 times a day. Use a pukhoderka, a rubber mitt, or a brush with stiff bristles. You can moisten the animal's fur with a special solution: 1 cup of water, 1 cup of vodka, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 1 tsp of salt. It will facilitate combing and help get rid of the smell of the dog.

Between molts, it is enough to brush the retriever a couple of times a week. You can slightly shorten the hair on the back of the limbs, on the tail, it is advisable to regularly cut the hairs between the fingers, on the ears. It is not recommended to bathe the dog more than once a month, in summer it is better to replace washing in the bath with bathing in open reservoirs. The Golden Ones are very fond of water and enjoy swimming.

The eyes and ears do not require special care. It is enough to inspect them several times a week and wipe them if necessary. If the pet does not eat dry food, which naturally cleanses plaque, he needs to buy special chewing bones or brush his teeth. This will help prevent tartar formation. Also, you need to regularly cut off the claws of the pet, overgrown, they can cause him discomfort.


You can feed golden both natural food and dry food. It is advisable not to overfeed, these dogs love to eat and are prone to weight gain. The wrong choice of diet can lead to allergic diseases, dental problems, and the appearance of an unpleasant smell from wool.

When feeding natural food, at least 50% of the daily diet should be meat, the rest-cereals, vegetables, fermented dairy products. Adult dogs should not be given milk, it is required only for puppies up to 3-4 months. Feed your pet 2 times a day, the most satisfying food should be given in the evening.

It is better to cook thick porridges in meat or bone broth with vegetables. Give lean meat: beef, turkey, rabbit. Its amount is 10-20 g per 1 kg of dog weight. Offal in small quantities, once a week you can give eggs, sea fish without bones. Fatty, salty foods, tubular bones, sausages, pastries, and sweets are prohibited. With such feeding, it is recommended to add vitamins to food.

When choosing dry food, you should give preference to super-premium and holistic class. Goldens are prone to allergies, it is better to choose special brands designed for this breed. Подойдут Orijen, Canidae, Innova, Acana,Applaws, Grandorf, Farmina Natural & Delicious, Belcando, Pronature Holistic.


The health of the Golden is not very good, they are characterized by many different hereditary pathologies. And with improper care, they are prone to obesity, cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, atopic dermatitis, and allergies. Congenital diseases of retrievers include:

hip dysplasia;

retinal atrophy;


cancerous tumors;

blood clotting disorder;


diabetes mellitus.

To protect your pet from infectious diseases, you need to do all the vaccinations on time. The first vaccination is carried out by the breeder, it is better to buy a puppy with a veterinary passport. It is also required to deworm the pet 3-4 times a year, and in the warm season to treat from external parasites.

How to buy a Golden Retriever puppy

Experienced dog breeders recommend buying a dog in a kennel or from a breeder with a good reputation. Puppies inherit the diseases and temperament of their parents, so you need to study not only all the documents, it is recommended to get acquainted with your mother. What matters is the conditions in which the animals are kept, and how they behave.

The enclosure should be clean, well-groomed, with a smooth coat without bald spots, without an unpleasant smell. The eyes and ears are clean, without discharge, and the belly is soft. All this indicates that the puppies are healthy. Experts also recommend paying attention to the behavior of the baby. They should be active, inquisitive, not cowardly and without signs of aggression.

A purebred retriever puppy in Moscow will cost from 25,000 rubles. If the price is lower, there may be something wrong with the pedigree or health. Show-class puppies used in breeding will cost from 60 thousand rubles.


Golden retrievers are the best family dogs. They are kind, affectionate and intelligent, and love children. Therefore, they become ideal companions for all family members. They can be kept in a city apartment, suitable breed for anyone who can pay attention to the pet. Fans consider Golden a unique dog with artistry, natural charm and a peaceful character.

The Golden Retriever is a breed of dog characterized by intelligence, obedience and a very loyal attitude to people. These furry friends are great companions.

Golden retrievers are very hardy and energetic. They are very intelligent, agile, friendly, a little intrusive, but only because of their boundless love and boundless loyalty to the owner. The main distinguishing features included in the description of the golden Retriever breed are a good memory and a keen sense of smell, thanks to which dogs are brilliant detectives and hunters.

It is not difficult for them to find game in high thickets, deftly catch it and keep it. With proper, timely training, puppies grow into excellent guides, detectives, and professional rescuers. They are very mobile, playful, love walks, active entertainment, as well as long trips with their favorite owners.

Golden Retrievers are truly loyal friends who also perfectly fulfill the role of "nannies" – they love to mess around with babies.

In the characteristics of the golden Retriever breed, wool is a business card, which, unfortunately, causes great inconvenience. With these fuzzies, you will have to love cleaning, because they shed a lot. These pets are definitely not suitable for allergy sufferers.

Animals of this breed are big water lovers. They don't care if it's a big lake, a swimming pool, or an ordinary muddy puddle. During a rainy walk, you should avoid the latter – otherwise you will have to wash for a long time. But with the onset of warm seasons, go to reservoirs or rivers. Swimming for such pets is a kind of emotional relief.

Also, these beauties are very photogenic, statuesque, beautiful, they love a lot of attention. Therefore, retrievers can often be found in films about a typical American family with affluence or in some advertising of elite food.

Health and life expectancy of the retriever are at the level of the golden mean: with proper care, pets feel good and celebrate their 12th birthday.

Description of the Golden Retriever breed


males: 56-61 cm, females: 51-56 cm


males: 26-41 kg, females: 25-37 kg

How long do they live

11-13 years old


25-35 thousand rubles

Advantages and disadvantages


very smart and quick-witted;

deeply loyal to their owners;

easy to train;

good hunters and sleuths;

they get along well with other animals;

create a favorable atmosphere in the house.


they shed a lot;

they have weak security qualities;


they can be intrusive;

they require a lot of attention and care.

Characteristics of the Golden Retriever breed

CharacterEducationHealthCare and maintenance


Relationships with people and animals, habits and temperament, family life





Attitude to loneliness


Tendency to bark


The origin story of the Golden Retriever

Country of origin

Great Britain

Breed Group

Business cards

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English aristocrats are passionate fans of hunting. In the 19th century, such events were common among the British and Scottish secular elite. During the few days that they spent in the woods and marshes, the venerable sirs boasted to each other of their guns, trophies, and thoroughbred horses and dogs.

However, at that time there were not enough really fast, agile, capable of any sorties through high thickets or impassable water barriers of four-legged hunters. Thus, a huge demand for pets with clearly expressed hunting characteristics has developed.

According to one version, in the 1860s, a certain Lord Tweedmouth bought Russian shepherds at a circus performance and began breeding new species by mating and crossing. But these were just rumors created by the aristocrat himself in order to attract the interest of others to his person. After a while, it turned out that the golden beauties have completely different roots.

In the 1940s, a well-known dog handler at that time, Elma Stonex, based on Lord's records for the period from the 1860s to the 1890s, revealed the real family ties of new dogs. The animals have the genes of Labrador, bloodhound," water " Tweed Spaniel and black Retriever. After numerous mating sessions, the pets acquired their own special color, became more hardy, active and intelligent, and also stopped being afraid of water.

In the 1920s, goldens were distributed throughout the West, in the United States, Canada. Overseas, dogs with a rich dark gold coat were more appreciated. In the 1960s, the breed was officially recognized and registered according to all standards.

In Russia, their descendants appeared only in 1989. Alexey Surov brought them from the USA. And in the 1990s, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the first Russian retriever puppy was born.

Similar Dog breeds

Labrador Retriever

Chesapeake Bay Retriever

Toller (Nova Scotia Retriever)

Appearance of a golden retriever

Overall impression

Golden dogs are very beautiful, statuesque dogs with a heavy, shiny, smooth coat, white teeth and expressive eyes. They have a strong muscular frame, a strong, grasping mouth. Intelligence and kindness can be seen even in photos of golden retrievers.

There are three types of retrievers:




American quadrupeds are distinguished by the darkest color, English (European) are slightly shorter and stockier than their relatives. It is this type that is common in our country. Canadian representatives among all three types are the tallest and most slender.


Shaggy beauties have a massive, convex shape of the skull, a clear, smooth line of transition from the forehead to the nose. They can be traced cheekbones, the muzzle is elongated, even. Occiput with a slightly protruding smooth bump.


There are no creases on the neck. It is quite massive with strong muscles, high set of medium length.


The body of animals is toned, strong, with a raised muscle mass. Straight back with a slight bend at the waist. The withers are well defined. The croup is rounded, medium in size with a slight slant. Thoracic region of moderate width. The lower abdominal area is well toned.


The front paws are very strong, strong, they perform an important shock-absorbing function. When jumping up on these parts of the body, most of the weight is taken away, and therefore the load. Muscular shoulder frame, smooth and strong forearms. By standards, the shoulder blades are equal in length to the shoulders. The elbows are placed close to the body. Pasterns are rather short with a smooth, slightly oblique curve.

Hind legs

The hind legs have a more complex structure than the forelimbs, despite the fact that they take on less load. The legs are placed at a wide distance from each other. The articular folds are low. The paws have a slightly rounded shape, which helps you land gently on the ground and not get tired for a long time, for example, when running long distances.


By standards, the straight tail is in line with the back. It has an average length, a wide base, and a slightly elongated end in the form of a cone. In a normal, calm state, the tail is at a low level; in an excited, excited or joyful dog, it is raised to the level of the back.


The pet's movements are confident, with a quick response to commands or any external stimuli. While running, the paws are freely and easily thrown forward, making smooth swings. From birth, the animal should be taught to behave carefully with a person, because they are very strong, heavy, and can sometimes make sudden, unexpected, and possibly dangerous movements for humans.


The coat is heavy, but very pleasant, soft, smooth to the touch. It has the property of repelling water. The undercoat is very massive, it is hidden by tightly fitting strong, thick hair. In structure, they can be either straight or slightly wavy. Most of the hair is on the chest, lower abdomen, ears, and lower tail.


The colors of the golden retriever can vary from light cream tones to dark brown or bright gold colors. There may be a few white hairs on the chest.


The size of golden retrievers is large, and the whole body is elongated. The length of the body, including the tail, in an adult male is approximately 80 cm. The body is proportional. The above description of appearance and parameters refers to exterior standards.

These pets clearly show sexual typing. Males are much larger, stockier, taller, and heavier than females. So, the average weight of a golden Retriever male is 35 kg with a height of about 60 cm, while a female with an average weight of 30 kg has a height of 53 cm.

A golden retriever that is too large or too small is considered a disqualifying blemish. Judges are more strict with females.

What is important to know about living with a pedigree dog

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Character of the Golden Retriever

The main features of behavior are boundless loyalty to a person, the ability to charm with their good nature, tolerance, as well as neatness and softness unusual for large animals. Golden Retrievers require affection, companionship, and constant attention. Therefore, when you leave home for a long time, know that your friend will miss you insanely, and when he returns, he will give you a lot of enthusiastic emotions. The character of the golden retriever is distinguished by sociability, love for children, and mental stability. It's a great friend for the whole family. Some dog breeders call them big animals with the character of a tiny, cute puppy.

Furry friends are able to perfectly read the state of a person. At the right time, they help to relieve emotional tension. Your personal shaggy "antidepressant" will spend time with you with great pleasure, charge you with a lot of positive impressions, calm you down. However, their good nature extends to all people, so to protect the house it is better to have another dog, but with a more severe character.

These dogs are sanguine, they do not tend to dominate. They get along well with other pets. Their favorite activities are any active games, walks, jogging, swimming and much more related to outdoor activities. They are characterized by quickness, intelligence, and some delicacy in behavior.

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Education and training

The very first and very important point is to teach them to listen to you: forbid jumping on their hands, pushing their paws in the back. At a small age, such habits are funny, but with a big dog they are quite dangerous for humans, especially for children.

The second step is the "fu" command. After all, goldens are big fans of trying everything around them on the tooth, any thing that causes even the slightest interest.

As soon as the puppy begins to show the beginnings of a hunter and detective, try to go out with him more often in nature, arranging an impromptu hunt in the form of a game. If you continue to learn hunting skills, your fuzzy will grow into an excellent, fast bloodhound.

From the age of six months, puppies perfectly learn to row in the water. From the age of twelve months, it is optimal to start training endurance, since an ambush on a hunt requires a clear assimilation of this lesson. Raising and training a golden retriever will bring a lot of fun to both the owner and the dog.

Golden Retriever health and diseases

Possible diseases

Goldens get sick quite often and are one of the regular patients of veterinary clinics. The main problem is usually overweight, which causes arthritis. Other possible diseases:

epilepsy (seizures, seizures);

Willebrand's disease (bleeding gums, nose, genitals);

hip joint dysplasia (loose joint condition);

retinal atrophy (possible blindness);

dermatitis (inflammation of the skin) , etc.

But do not be afraid of the above list, because all these diseases are gradually eliminated if they are identified at an early stage, a competent approach, and comprehensive proper treatment.

Reproductive health

Females mature quite early – the first estrus occurs at 8-12 months of life. But her fragile body is not yet ready for gestation and childbirth, so postpone mating until you reach the age of 20 months.

With males, the same story: even if he started to get attached, this is not a signal for the beginning of his sexual life. It is necessary to wait for one and a half years and then conduct the first mating.

Pregnancy and childbirth in the female are quite easy, for 2-3 weeks you can notice the first signs, including toxicosis. In the second half of pregnancy (30 days after mating), you can start feeding the bitch more often and in larger portions.

Feeding features and diet

It is allowed to feed a four-legged friend with both industrial feed and home-made food. It is important to feed the dog after the walk, not before it. The animal must not be overfed. Frequent feeding, excessive daily calorie intake negatively affects your health and leads to various diseases.

When making a diet, you should adhere to certain rules.

Half of the diet must necessarily consist of a sufficient amount of protein products; low-fat varieties of beef, rabbit, turkey are suitable. Offal is also acceptable, but in small proportions. The daily norm of meat is 10-20 grams per 1 kilogram of body weight.

The other 50% of the daily menu consists of complex carbohydrates, i.e. cereals: buckwheat, rice and so on. From them, it is better to cook thick, rich porridges, adding various fresh or heat-treated vegetables. The most useful root vegetables are carrots, beets, cabbage, turnips. Fermented milk products are necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive tract of the animal, so you can periodically give kefir, cottage cheese,yogurt.

As for the nutrition of babies, up to twelve months they are recommended to drink whole milk, sometimes add it to porridge. According to the instructions of veterinarians, up to four months should be fed fractional five times a day. From the age of four months, there is a transition to eating four meals a day. At the age of six months – three meals a day, and from eight months - two standard meals a day.

Care and maintenance

A house in the countryside is an ideal habitat. Retrievers are very mobile, curious, and love hunting. In the conditions of an apartment, they need sufficient time to walk outside the home.

It is important to walk the retriever for at least two hours a day. Babies up to the age of four months are carried out on the street in their arms and brought into the house in the same way. You should walk with them more often in order to teach them to use the toilet on the street.

In general, frequent walks quickly adapt your pet to other people, nature, outside noise from cars and other things.

It is better to spend bathing once or twice a month, using special detergents and conditioners. The main problem for the owner of the dog is its long coat, which needs timely and proper care: thorough washing, combing with a brush, which can be purchased at any pet store.

Every week, it is recommended to check the eyes, ears, mouth, and paw pads. Ears should be washed and cleaned if necessary. It happens that a furry friend himself will hint to you about this, constantly scratching his ears or shaking his head.

To prevent the appearance of dark plaque, you should not give your pet special bones, and brush your teeth with a fingertip every three days. In general, the care and maintenance of a golden retriever does not take much time and does not differ from the maintenance of other dog breeds.

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Tips for choosing a puppy

If you decide to get a fuzzy, choose responsible sellers. The ideal option is to contact a breeding nursery with a good reputation. Golden Retriever puppies from private breeders can be unclean or carriers of diseases.

Observe the puppy's behavior for a while: how it eats, plays, and behaves with other pets. Learn about the health status of parents, especially mothers during pregnancy. Any complications during fetal gestation can lead to the development of pathologies in small animals, including hydrocephalus (impaired circulation of fluid washing the brain).

The characters of retrievers are different: American retrievers are more energetic, while European retrievers are graceful and less emotional. When choosing this, you should also consider it. When applying, you must provide all the documents: pedigree certificates, veterinary certificates, characteristics.

Of course, when choosing, it is important to trust your heart. As a rule, one look is enough to understand that the same little friend is yours forever!

How much does a golden retriever cost?

The approximate cost of a pet-class puppy is from 20 to 25 thousand rubles. The price of a golden retriever for a class show usually ranges from 35 to 50 thousand rubles. Dogs of this group have all the parameters necessary for competitions, Golden retriever puppies dog. Their belonging to the genus is 100% guaranteed. In addition to this price group, there is an even more expensive class that costs from 65 to 80 thousand rubles. Such animals are born from a sling. In the future, this makes it possible to breed purebred puppies, sell them, making a good profit.

All pets, even of the same breed, are different. This material with an overview of the features of this breed should be considered as a reference point.