
Monday, July 31, 2023

Golden retriever care and training

A golden Retriever named Enzo Viola was born with a black "spot" on his face due to a rare genetic mutation, writes the British tabloid "The Mirror". This feature does not affect the dog's healthin any way, but it makes the animal charming.

The pet lives with the Castro family from Texas, which started a blog for the four-legged pet on Instagram (the social network is recognized as extremist and banned in the Russian Federation). They post videos and photos of Enzo's life there. The unusual retriever was immediately liked by users of the social network, and the account quickly began to gain popularity. Thousands of people admire and are touched by a dog with a black spot on its cheek.

Now the dog is already three years old. Enzo is very active and friendly, but he does not like to play with other dogs, but gets along well with cats and even sleeps with them in a hug. . The family that the retriever lives with loves the peculiarity of their pet. However, 15-year-old Clarissa Castro admitted that not only a cute mark on the muzzle made her family choose this particular puppy among others.

"We met Enzo and his brothers and immediately fell in love with him, not only because of his markings, but also because he was the cutest and most playful puppy," she says.

The owners also noted that Enzo most likes special toys for dogs, tennis balls and plush animals, so they often buy them for their pet. Clarissa shares:

"I love spending time with him so much. One of my favorite habits about Enzo is that he often falls asleep by pulling the toy, and then just slowly lies down and falls asleep with it in his mouth."

Now the family of a unique dog continues to actively maintain Instagram (the social network is recognized as extremist and banned in the territory of the Russian Federation) and delight subscribers with new photos of charming Enzo.

Let's start with the golden retriever itself.

The golden Retriever is a hardy and energetic dog that has a good memory and flair, which allows it to work perfectly both on land and on water, where it is able to find damaged game.

Initially, golden retrievers were bred to work on hunting (feeding game). Currently, golden retrievers have successfully mastered many other professions. They work at customs, search for drugs and explosives, and participate in rescue operations[1].


The Golden Retriever was bred in England as a versatile hunting dog for feeding batted game. Shares the same ancestry as the Labrador Retriever.

According to one version, which has no documentary evidence, the appearance of the breed is associated with the name of Lord Tweedmouth, Sir Dudley Majoribanks. In 1858, he visited Brighton for a performance of a visiting circus, where in one of the rooms he saw dogs that impressed him with their intelligence. He was so submissive that he immediately bought eight dogs from the circus.

However, the most complete information about the formation of the breed is available in the jaeger's books, which were kept by the Scottish Gwisecan estate of Lord Tweedmouth from 1835 to 1890. According to these books, the breed was formed by crossing the now-extinct Tweed Water Spaniel - a large dog of light brown color with curly hair, small feathering on the ears and front paws-and a small Newfoundland type. The retrievers also received blood from Irish setters, water spaniels, and bloodhounds. [1]


The Golden Retriever is a dog of harmonious build, with strong and muscular limbs and rounded paws.

The head is proportional to the body, the parietal part is wide. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is well defined. The nose is black. The eyes are dark brown, widely spaced, with dark edges of the eyelids. The ears are medium-sized, drooping, and set approximately at eye level. The neck is well muscled and rather long. The chest is wide. The tail is long, never curled. The coat is straight or wavy, with a thick undercoat that almost does not allow water to pass through. The color can consist of any shade of gold or cream. Sometimes there may be small white spots on the chest. White golden Retrievers are considered a breeding match.

The height at the withers of males is from 56 to 61 cm, females - from 51 to 56 cm. Weight of males — 26-41. 5 kg, females-25-37 kg[1].

A short story about the most curly retriever.

Curly-haired retrievers are quite different from other retrievers. Even in modern times, curlies are working dogs and hunters, and they are also one of the few retrievers capable of being a security guard.

This breed is not suitable for keeping in a family with children, because it is not a companion at all, a curly – haired retriever is a working dog.


This is the first retriever entered in the register of the English Kennel Club. About the first dogs of this type, the first mention begins in documents of the 16th century. The breed originates from setters and English water spaniels. Later, they were joined by the blood of the Irish water Spaniel, as well as the now-extinct Newfoundland St. John's breed, which were the ancestors of modern Newfoundlands and Labradors. According to some sources, in the second half of the 19th century, poodle blood was also added to them to improve the quality of wool.


The curly-haired retriever is a large and hardy dog of square format and slightly loose build, the growth of males can reach 68 cm, the growth of bitches on average up to 62-63 cm.

The coat has no undercoat, is thick and short, and is gathered in characteristic tight curls that fit snugly to the skin. It is for wool that the breed got its name.

Acceptable colors are black and all shades of brown and liver. At the same time, the color of the nose, lips and eyelids should be in harmony with the color of the coat [2].

And now we will talk about the most popular retriever.

The Labrador Retriever was originally a hunting companion dog, but now it is mainly a companion dog. In the modern world, labradors are also often used as guide dogs and rescue dogs.


The history of Labradors begins on the island of Newfoundland in the 19th century, when there were "little Newfoundlands" that were loyal helpers of fishermen. The Englishman Peter Hawker brought several such individuals to the UK, which he called "St. John's Breed of Newfoundland". From crossing these dogs with a curly-haired retriever and, possibly, an English foxhound and setter, a labrador appeared.

The first breed standard was established in 1887. In 1903, the English Kennel Club recognized only black Labradors, but at the end of the 20th century, fawn became another acceptable color, and even later — chocolate.


These are dogs of strong build. They have a broad skull, as well as a broad and deep chest in the ribs; the loin and back are broad and strong.

The coat is double-hard to the touch outer hair and weather-resistant undercoat.

Solid color: black, fawn, brown (sometimes called liver or chocolate). In dogs of black and brown color, a small white spot on the chest is acceptable [3].

Like other retrievers, Tollers are dogs that can perform well not only in hunting, but also in agility, obidience and other dog sports. But toller training is considered somewhat more difficult than training golden retrievers and labradors. This is due to the fact that the monotonous repetition of commands is not very interesting for a quick-witted and active toller, so the training of the Nova Scotia Retriever should be as diverse as possible.


This is the youngest breed of all retrievers. The official name of this breed is Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, that is, "Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever". Tollers were bred by Canadian hunters to lure birds (tolling) and then feed the shot bird. The breed was recognized in Canada in 1945, and the ICF in 1987.


Toller is much smaller than other retrievers, its height is only 45-51 cm. This is a compact dog of red color with white markings on the paws, tail, chest and muzzle. Currently, Tollers are a fairly popular dog in many European countries, primarily in Scandinavia. The small size makes Tollers very convenient dogs for keeping in an apartment[4].

Straight-haired retrievers are hardy, energetic dogs with a keen sense of smell.

Thanks to its excellent swimming ability and diving ability, it can hunt both wading and waterfowl.

Straight-haired retrievers have a contact, friendly nature, and are not prone to aggression. This breed needs gentle but persistent training, as dogs are highly emotional. For the same reason, they are very sociable and do not tolerate loneliness very well.


The formation of dogs of the straight-haired Retriever breed began in Great Britain in the middle of the 19th century. They were bred purposefully for use in hunting waterfowlfor hunting friends. The breed is based on the blood of the Irish setter, English Pointer and Labrador Retriever. From the Labrador Retriever, the dogs inherited a good swimming ability, and from the Irish setter and Pointer, a good ability to make friends and a high sense of smell.

For the first time, the straight-haired retriever was shown at the English exhibition in 1860, which was held in Ettington Park.


Dogs of this breed have a harmonious build, narrow and light backbone. The general impression that the representatives of this breed make is strong, adapted to long and active movement of animals. The movements are light and creeping.

The coat is smooth, dense, well fitting to the body. It feels silky to the touch, and may appear oily. In the lower abdomen, on the paws and tail, the coat forms rich decorative feathering. Color is allowed only plain, black and all shades of liver.

# Chesapeake Bay Retriever

Chesapeake dogs are hard workers, strong and indefatigable dogs, but they need a steady hand from the owner to realize all their qualities. The typical Chesapeake is a pronounced individualist, first aggression towards other dogs, he does not show, but does not give descent.


The Chesapeake Bay Retriever is the only one of the six breeds of retrievers that has American roots. The Chesapeake family is native to Virginia and Maryland, located on the Chesapeake Bay coast. This is a duck country, and local hunters needed an excellent working dog, so the main purpose of the Chesapeake Bay Retriever from the very beginning was and is hunting.


This breed is very well adapted to work in cold water with an ice crust. The ears are set high, small, rather thick, comfortable for a dog swimming a lot in the water. A short strong neck somewhat violates the overall proportions, but it is very important when sorting heavy game. The coat is short, thick, coarse, and resembles a plush blanket. The coat is impervious to water. The most desirable color is the color of withered grass, but variations from dark brown to light straw are acceptable. The eyes are amber-yellow. The paws are quite large, with noticeable webbing.

Height at the withers of males-58-66 cm, females-53-61 cm, weight of males-29.5-36.5 kg, females-25-32 kg.

The golden Retriever is a great companion and a hunter's best friend. Good-natured, calm, perfectly aportiruet shot game.

Brief informationBreed Name: Golden Retriever

Country of Origin: United Kingdom

Time of origin of the breed: XIX century

Weight: males 26-41 kg, females 25-37 kg

Height (height at the withers): males 56-61 cm, females 51-56 cm

Life span: 12-13 years

HighlightsIdeal owners for a golden retriever are families with children, as well as active people who love nature trips and long walks. For stay-at-home people and those who prefer a relaxed pace of life, a dog will cause more inconvenience than positive emotions.

Representatives of this breed are quite silent and patient. They don't make a fuss about nothing and don't annoy you with loud barking.

Dogs are smart and quick-witted. They occupy the 4th place in the list of the most intellectually developed breeds according to Stanley Koren.

Among hunters, golden retrievers enjoy a reputation as the best" porters " of game, able to make their way in search of prey even through difficult thickets.

Due to the abundant spontaneous molting, the breed is not suitable for fans of sterile cleanliness and allergy sufferers.

Golden Retrievers are capable learners, easily grasping even the most difficult material. If the training course is completed in a timely manner, they become excellent guides, rescuers and search engines.

Despite their friendly and sociable nature, retrievers need nurturing and a firm hand. A dog that does not recognize the owner's authority becomes unmanageable and can create a lot of problems.

Golden Retrievers have a real passion for water and are happy to take a bath in any open water body, and if you do not look-and in puddles.

Owners often call their pets simply golden-from the English " golden "(golden).

Golden Retrievers are smart hunters, perfect family members and reliable friends, responsive to affection and kind attitude. A well-bred golden will willingly perform any master's errand and at the same time will not behave as if he has performed the greatest feat in the world. The only reward that representatives of this breed expect for their own helpfulness is simple human attention, which for retrievers is much more valuable than the most refined delicacy.

Characteristics of the breed


Not aggressive (1/5)


Average (3/5)


Very Easy (5/5 Rating)


Very high (5/5)

Need for care

Average (3/5)


Very friendly (5/5 Rating)


Average (3/5)

Cost of maintenance

Above Average (4/5)

Attitude to loneliness

Moderate time (3/5)


Very smart (5/5 Rating)


Average (3/5)

Security qualities

Average (3/5)

* The characteristics of the Golden Retriever breed are based on an expert assessment and reviews of dog owners.

History of the Golden Retriever breed

Golden Retriever

The main prerequisite for the appearance of the breed was the eternal passion of English aristocrats for hunting. In the 19th century, the main entertainment of British and Scottish esquires was game baiting and duck shooting. Venerable peers spent days in the woods and marshes, bragging to each other about their trophies, guns, and, of course, dogs. However, while the hounds of the gentlemen were in perfect order, four-legged hunters who could find a shot quail in the heather or swim after a duck that had fallen into the lake were in great short supply. Commercial demand created supply, and soon shaggy dogs with an unusual golden coat color began to cut through the valleys of Scotland.

The appearance of golden Retrievers, as an independent breed, is usually associated with the name of Dudley Marjoribanks-a Scottish lord and part-time amateur breeder. It was he who revealed to the world a completely new kind of hunter dog, who was not afraid of water and masterfully aportirovavshu beaten bird. For a long time, it remained a mystery exactly whose blood flows in the wards of the lord, until in the middle of the XX century, secret records of his breeding books were published. As it turned out, their genes were given to the Goldens by a water Tweed spaniel, labrador, bloodhound and a straight-haired retriever. In this case, the first offspring was obtained as a result of mating a tweed-water spaniel and a straight-haired retriever, which had a yellowish coat.

By the 20s of the last century, the breed was already quite popular not only in Europe, but also among breeders of the New World. In addition, the United States and Canada have developed their own standards of appearance of golden Retrievers. For example, across the ocean, individuals with a more intense and dark coat color were preferred. Descendants of Scottish retrievers were brought to Russia after the collapse of the USSR from the same America. The first purebred dog came to the territory of the Russian Federation in 1991.

Video: Golden Retriever

Appearance of the golden Retriever

Golden Retriever Puppy

Golden retrievers are moderately pumped-up beauties with a soulful look and a luxurious iridescent coat. The recognition of goldens is due not so much to their own charm, but to the efforts of marketers. The breed was especially actively promoted by the American cinema. It is enough to watch a couple of comedy melodramas produced in the United States to understand that if an American family ever decides to have a dog, then in 9 cases out of 10 it will be a golden Retriever.

The sexual type of representatives of this breed is clearly expressed. The average boy's height ranges from 56-60 cm, and his weight can reach 41 kg. Girls are much lighter (average weight-25-37 kg) and smaller than males (height-51-56 cm).

Despite the existence of a single breed standard approved by the FCI, experts divide golden retrievers into three types::English;



Representatives of the first group are natives of the Foggy Albion, having extremely massive paws and a wide skull. They are distinguished by a lighter coat color, up to white. It is the English type that is most common in Europe and Russia. The complexion of the wards of American breeders is less impressive, but the Golden Retrievers "made in USA" can boast a graceful posture and generally more elegant appearance. At the same time, their coat color is slightly darker than that of their British counterparts. A distinctive feature of Canadian retrievers is a lean build with a fairly high growth. The coat color of the " Canadians "is even more saturated and dark than that of the"Americans".

English Golden Retriever Type

American Golden Retriever Type

Canadian Golden Retriever Type


The skull is massive, convex-angular. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is clear and smooth. The occipital protuberance is smoothed, the cheeks are flat. The muzzle of the animal is long, even, gradually tapering from the base to the nose.


Golden Retriever

Black, moderately dense and dry. The upper lip hangs noticeably over the lower lip, but does not go beyond the borders of the jaw. The lips completely hide the dog's teeth and gums, forming small folds at the corners of the mouth.

Jaws and teeth

The retriever's jaws are strong and fairly broad, with a pronounced scissor bite. Teeth are white and large. The incisors are arranged in a single line.


The lobe is massive, mobile, and black in color. The nostrils are wide open.


Moderately long, hanging, lowered along the cheeks of the animal. The base of the ear is wide, the tip is narrow, smoothed-rounded shape. Postav – slightly above the eye line.


Large, deep-set, rounded eyes. The golden retriever has a smart, friendly look. The color of the iris is from brown to dark brown. The eyelids are black, dry, and close to the eyeball. Important condition: in a dog looking straight, the whites of the eyes should not be visible.

The contented face of a golden retriever


Massive, high set and of moderate length. The neck muscles are strong, developed, and there are no folds or sagginess.


The Retriever Family

Adults have a strong, tightly built body with prominent musculature. The back of golden retrievers is straight, with a convex loin and a pronounced withers. The croup is massive, slightly sloping, rounded in shape. Chest: moderate width, fairly deep. The taut line of the abdomen ends with a short and well-chosen groin area.


Moderately long, with a broad, thickened base and a cone-shaped tip. It is located below the back. In a calm golden, the tail is lowered, in an excited one, it is raised to the level of the back.


The forelegs are muscular, dry and straight. The shoulders are strong, with massive shoulder blades and elbows drawn back, pressed to the body. The shoulder angle does not exceed 90°. Pasterns strong but short, set at a slight angle.

The hind legs are strong, with well-developed muscles, separated from each other at a decent distance. The hock joints of Golden Retrievers are set low and look back. Front and hind legs of medium size, rounded shape. The pads are massive, with short claws, the animal's fingers are folded into a ball.


The most important passenger

Golden retriever wool is characterized by increased rigidity and has a water-repellent function. The hair is quite thick and fits snugly to the body, hiding a plentiful undercoat. The structure of the coat can be straight or have a light wave, and its length varies depending on the part of the body. The longest coat is located in the area of the chest, ears, body, back of all four legs, as well as in the lower part of the tail. Areas of the body with short hair are the head, paws, and front side of the limbs.


All shades of gold are considered standard, up to the transition to cream color. For feathering on the paws and suspension of the tail, lighter colors are acceptable.

Possible defects

The list of breed defects includes any deviations from the characteristics prescribed by the standard. For example, it is undesirable for a golden retriever to have a sparse and long coat, white stripes on the chest, and too light and close-set eyes. The reason for not allowing an animal to compete may be the following vices::square housing;

long or too short legs;

malocclusion and skewed lower jaw;


lips, eyelids and nose, painted in any shade other than black;

white "scarf" on the neck and forehead patches;

black coat color, as well as the presence of spots on it;

drooping tail.

Angry or, on the contrary, cowardly individuals, animals with a small head, short ears and small teeth will also not make a serious career.

Photo of a golden retriever

Character of the Golden Retriever

Golden retriever plays with mistress

According to the number of rave reviews of owners, Golden Retrievers are almost ahead of all breeds. Indeed, only a dog-hater can unearth flaws in these good-natured intellectuals. As for ordinary animal lovers, their goldenies literally fascinate with their softness and phenomenal memory for faces. If one of your friends treated your pet to a delicious treat or entertained him with a simple game, you can be sure that the retriever will not forget to add a fat "plus sign"to the karma of this friend.

Calm and balanced in everyday life, representatives of this breed try to keep the brand even in the most sensitive situations. They are completely non-confrontational and are ready to get along with any four-legged creature that does not show open aggression. Even in the most stressful moments, the Golds prefer to solve the case in peace. A golden retriever snarling and clutching its opponent in a death grip is something out of the realm of fantasy.

The breed is often recommended for keeping in families with children, as in relation to the younger generation, animals are as correct and patient as possible. Of course, trusting a dog with babies is not the most reasonable decision, but playful three-year-olds can be left to it. 

Golden retrievers are primarily focused on humans. It is with him that they want to go for walks, share their joys and sorrows. For this reason, Goldens are often attracted to active canister therapy. Shaggy "antidepressants" are happy to contact patients who are in a state of prolonged depression, charging them with bright emotions and gradually returning them to the joy of existence.

Golden retrievers are typical sanguine dogs, which are completely uncharacteristic of such traits as suspicion and caution. Strangers in these simple-minded cute people arouse curiosity and burning interest, so if golden lives in your house, accept the fact that he will not be able to protect the territory and material values.

Golden retriever with a baby

This cat has found its place in life

Education and training

The nature of golden retrievers has not deprived them of intelligence and memory, so they can learn any lessons on the fly. The first thing that begins training a golden Retriever puppy is obedience: the animal must understand what is allowed and what is not allowed. Do not give in to the momentary desire to remove all prohibitions and pamper the baby, so to speak, on an exceptional basis. The puppy's pranks will quickly stop seeming endearingly funny after a 40-pound dog starts practicing them.

Golden Retriever Training

In the first months of life, retriever babies try to taste the objects around them, so try to convey the meaning of the "Ugh!"command to your pet as quickly as possible. Those who see the Golden Retriever as a future hunter will have to go out into nature more often. A dog will only be able to learn how to find and bring a damaged bird when it sees it live. At first, the skill is practiced on rags and dummies: a homemade stuffed animal is thrown at the puppy to make him want to grab an unfamiliar thing and show it to the owner. Then they smoothly move on to aportirovka and participation in the hunt.

Half-year-old puppies can be taught swimming and obedience by whistle, and it will be better if a pro does this. 12-months is the optimal age to start training your dog's endurance, because when hunting, it often has to sit in ambush so as not to frighten the game. The "Lie down!" command is not used in such cases. It is enough that the pet will sit next to you. Memory training exercises are considered very valuable, as the golden retriever is not always able to find game just by smell.

Two curious faces

Maintenance and care

Cream colored Golden Retriever puppy

Despite the fact that the main specialization of golden retrievers has always been hunting, it is absolutely not necessary for today's owners of these shaggy "lifers" to take up a gun. Tedious races through forests and swamps can easily be replaced by long walks in parks and meadows. It's great if you take your dog to a country house, away from the freeway, where he can run around to his heart's content. Just don't try to turn your pet into a mongrel and put him in a kennel: the retriever will not appreciate your impulse and will get discouraged – so take the dog into the house and don't deprive him of his own company.

Keeping a golden retriever in an apartment is a kind of test of the owner's responsibility and hard work, since the lack of free space, motor activity and impressions of the animal will have to be compensated by regular promenades in combination with physical exertion. Because of their sociable nature, golden retrievers do not cope well with loneliness. Their uncertainty and fear animals splash out on the surrounding objects: gnaw furniture and wires, spoil shoes. The worst punishment that the owner can think of for Golden is to lock him up in four walls and quietly go to work. For careerists, workaholics, travelers, and other busy individuals, a golden Retriever as a pet is not an acceptable option.

What not to do about the Golden Retriever:allow children to sit on an older dog, as the pressure created by the child's body can cause the animal's back to deflect;

pat the puppy on the head and put a collar over his head, which leads to incorrect formation of the position of the ears.;

pull the baby by the paws or try to lift it, fixing the hand under the chest.


The main problem for the owner of a golden retriever is the hair of his pet. During the molting period, golden leaves fluffy footprints wherever possible, and daily combing does not help much. There are only two ways out of this situation: do not buy a golden retriever at all, or put up with this feature of the dog and buy a powerful vacuum cleaner to clean up the scraps from time to time.

And some water for me!

A shedding retriever is combed out twice a day using a brush and mitt to collect the hair. Dense undercoat is removed with a furminator or pukhoderka. To remove the smell of the dog from the coat, you can moisten it with a solution prepared according to the following recipe::mix a glass of water with a glass of vodka;

add 2 tablespoons of vinegar essence;

add 1 teaspoon of salt and shake well.

In the periods between molts, the animal's hair does not require such careful care, but a couple of times a week you will still have to comb through the dog's "fur coat". A golden bath is arranged once a month and this is quite enough. After bathing, the pet can slightly shorten the coat. The hair is cut from the bottom up, starting from the neck. It is not forbidden to walk with scissors on the feathered paws, and" pants " of the dog. The hair growing between the fingers and at the base of the tail should also be cut regularly.

Most Golden Retrievers have trouble-free eyes and ears, so a standard weekly checkup is enough. If dirt has accumulated in the ear funnel, they can be removed with a napkin and boiled water. For the treatment of eyes, chilled tea brew is suitable. Brushing Golden's teeth is a time-consuming but necessary process. If you can't clean the oral cavity in the classic way, you can entrust this matter to dry food or special treats, whose solid particles serve as abrasives that "erase" plaque.


It's someone's birthday today

Golden retrievers can be fed both natural products and"drying". In the first case, about 50% of the diet should be animal protein, that is, meat. The daily norm of the product is calculated as follows: 10-20 grams of meat per kilogram of dog weight. The remaining half of the retriever's daily "menu" consists of cereals and vegetables.

Meat for the dog is selected low-fat, with a large number of veins and cartilage. Beef, lamb, rabbit and turkey are ideal. Offal is also not prohibited, but because of the digestive disorders that they can provoke, they are introduced into the diet gradually and gradually.

Important: Golden retrievers are fed after the walk, not before it.

From rice and buckwheat, it is better to cook thick porridges, in which you can add stewed vegetables. Especially useful for golden retrievers are pumpkin, carrots, cabbage, turnips and beets. In the season, early greens are mixed into the porridge. It is not forbidden to include in the diet of an adult dog and fermented milk products – kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese. Puppies that have a skeleton that is still being formed need more calcium, so up to 4 months of age, the diet of small golden dogs must include milk (whole and as part of porridge).

Approximate daily menu of a 4-month-old baby: 300 g of meat, 100 g of fruit and vegetable slicing or vegetable stew (apple + carrot), 500 g of porridge with milk.

Trick or Treat

Golden retriever on the beach

How many times to feed

Up to 4 months of age, Golden Retriever pups receive food 5 times a day. Starting from 5 months, babies are transferred to four meals a day. Six-month-old teenagers eat three meals a day, and by 8 months of age, puppies completely switch to two meals a day.


They walk golden retrievers for at least two hours a day. At the same time, it is not necessary to observe the same duration of walks. For example, the morning promenade can be shortened to 30 minutes, and the evening promenade, on the contrary, can be increased to one and a half hours. If the animal lives in an apartment, then up to four months it should not be allowed to go down and up stairs on its own. Take the puppy for a walk on your hands and in the same way bring it into the apartment.

Toddlers are taken outside more often than adults to develop the skill of using an outdoor toilet. First, guided tours are conducted in park areas, gradually moving to the busy city streets. It is very important that the dog does not fall into a stupor at the sight of people and the sounds of public transport, so the more often it encounters everyday phenomena of the urban environment, the faster it will learn to perceive them adequately.

Privacy with the host

Golden retrievers and water

Golden retriever playing in mountain river

Golden Retrievers love water treatments, so during the walk the puppy will certainly try to measure the depth of the first puddle that comes across. Accordingly, if you notice a pothole filled with water on the way, it is better to prevent the animal's rush by taking it by the collar and reinforcing the ban with the command " Do not!". If the moment is lost, and the pet is already swimming in a puddle, shout at him (the same command "Ugh!" will do) and throw a leash at him. Do not go into the water and try to pull the dog out. Wait until she obeys the command and praise her for her obedience. But you should not refuse to swim in open reservoirs. Swimming in a pond, river or lake for a dog is gymnastics and psychotherapy all rolled into one, so when you go for a weekend in nature, feel free to take Golden with you.

Health and diseases of golden retrievers

Retrievers relax after a walk

For veterinary clinics, golden dogs are one of the most" profitable " pets, and their owners are one of the most frequent visitors. The main diseases of the golden retriever, mentioned in almost every reference book, are retinal degeneration and hip dysplasia. However, in fact, there are still about a dozen different ailments listed for the breed. So, for example, dogs are often diagnosed with cancer and heart diseases, hypothyroidism, atopic dermatitis, Willebrand's disease and other dangerous ailments.

In addition, Golden Retrievers tend to be obese. Against the background of more serious diseases, excessive weight seems to be a harmless trifle, although in reality everything is not so rosy. Animals that have gained extra pounds live less, and overweight individuals suffer more from the constant companion of all older dogs – arthritis. A serious danger is also hidden in the diseased teeth of the animal. An ordinary abscess on the gum or an inflamed tooth can "spread" the infection to all the organs of the retriever, eventually sending it to dog paradise.

How to choose a puppyWhen going to the kennel, arm yourself with a printout of the breed standard, or better yet, take a specialist with you who will help with choosing a puppy. If this is not possible, contact any of the dog training clubs, where you will be recommended a reliable breeder.

Puppies inherit from their parents not only the appearance and hunting qualities, but also the type of temperament, so in a conversation with the seller, insist on meeting the mother and father of the kids. If such a favor is denied to the buyer, there is a high probability that the pedigree of dogs is so-so.

For those who see the golden Retriever as a future family friend, it is better to buy bitches that are more compliant and affectionate. Golden males are distinguished by a bright charisma, but their character is more serious and firmer. Besides, the boys are much smarter when it comes to hunting.

The temperaments of American and European retrievers differ significantly – keep this fact in mind when buying a puppy. Goldens from the US are more energetic and emotional. Native "Europeans" are noticeably more phlegmatic and do not sin with hyperactivity.

Responsible breeders who value their own name have their puppies groomed, vaccinated and treated with anthelmintic agents.

Photos of golden retriever puppies

How much does a golden retriever cost?

The most attractive option in terms of price is pet-class puppies: from 20 000 to 25 000 rubles. Almost invisible to the eye defects in appearance significantly "cut" the cost of a golden retriever, which will especially appeal to those who do not dream of exhibitions and championship titles and are not averse to saving. Prices for the show class start at 35,000 rubles and end around 50,000 rubles. The option designed for the most generous buyers is the offspring obtained from inter-breeding, with the right to further breeding. The cost of such a puppy– 70 000 - 80 000 rubles.

A sunny, soulful-eyed hunk, bred to hunt winged game, has re-qualified as an impeccable companion. The dog will serve you slippers and bring you a bottle of Coke from the refrigerator. He will not wake up with loud barking and will give all his toys, just so that your baby does not cry. There is no better company for morning runs and walks in the woods. Here is such a dog-darling golden Retriever. However, this kind-hearted man can, like an ill-mannered pig, swim in a puddle and pick up any poop on the street. These and other nuances of the breed should be taken into account when choosing a pet and raising it.

History of origin

The golden Retriever owes its birth to the greatest passion of the English — hunting. By the 19th century, spaniels, setters, and pointers were already on the podium of the best game hunters. But, as you know, there is no limit to perfection. So thought the Scottish businessman and politician Dudley Marjoribanks (Baron Tweedmouth I). The owner of an impressive fortune and an avid hunter dreamed of the most docile and hardy four-legged assistant, who can easily pull a wounded duck out of the water and find a wounded partridge in the thickest thickets. The stubborn Scot had achieved his goal. Soon, the surrounding forests and valleys together with hunters ran dogs with golden hair, which a little later will be called golden retrievers.

Important! The first golden retrievers were neighbors of the Loch Ness monster. The famous lake is located near the picturesque estate where Lord Tweedmouth established a large dog kennel Gisechen.

To attract the attention of the local nobility to his creation, Lord Dudley came up with a beautiful legend. In 1858, he visited the circus and was simply amazed by the unusually quick-witted "Russian Shepherd dogs", similar to huge lapdogs. After the show, he hurried backstage and bought 8 circus dogs at once for an incredibly large sum of money. The amateur breeder did not reveal the secrets of his breeding work. However, it was rumored that for the sake of chic wool, he used Caucasian shepherds. Later, these rumors were not confirmed, but the exoticism of the" ancestors " played a role. The Baron's talented pets have become extremely popular among Scottish aristocrats.

Important! Lord Tweedmouth had a soft spot for golden-haired dogs. He kept the yellow pups for himself or gave them to his rich friends, and gave the kids of a different color to local hunters from among the villagers.

Only in the middle of the 20th century did the true history of the origin of golden retrievers become known. An Englishwoman named Elma Stones, who later became a lifelong member of the American Golden Retriever Club, was given access to Lord Tweedmouth's previously secret studbooks and letters. The records indicated that in 1835, the father of the new breed bought a straight-haired retriever (representatives of this breed are excellent swimmers) named Nous not at the circus, but from a shoemaker in Brighton. Nous, who has a yellowish coat, was brought together with a curly-haired beauty of light brown color named Belle, who was from the family of water Tweed Spaniels (now extinct breed). In the future, the genes of an obedient Labrador, a handsome hardworking Irish setter and a bloodhound tracker with a phenomenal nose were added. The new breed was initially called the "Russian yellow Retriever" and "straight-haired golden retriever".

In 1913, the English Kennel Club registered the golden/yellow Retriever breed, and in 1920 the word "yellow" disappeared from the name. International recognition from the International Film Festival had to wait another 34 years, although Goldie has already conquered all of Europe and America. Residents of our country got acquainted with the breed, or rather, with its American branch in 1991. Now many sun retrievers with Russian registration in the pedigree have those first "American Scots" - Princess Christina from Kansas and the Earl of Richmond apricot color.

Appearance, breed standards

The golden Retriever is a harmoniously built, muscular, handsome athlete with an amazing look that penetrates the most secret corners of the soul, and a shiny coat the color of the sun. Basic parameters:males-weight 26-42 kg, height 56-61 cm;

bitches-weight 25-37 kg, height 51-56 cm.

Goldens are often compared to labradors. However, the less massive "Scots" look more refined and elegant than their big-headed and wide-faced Canadian relatives. Their fur is longer, softer and only golden shades. There are significant differences in the characters of these dogs. Labradors immediately follow the owner's commands. Golden Retrievers are more intelligent and more wilful, although they are not as stubborn as an akita inu or an English bulldog.

Breed Standard:

HeadLarge skull looks harmonious with the body, wide (not massive!) muzzle;

a well-defined stop and a large black nose;

wide-set, large, rounded eyes without a hint of bulge, dark brown iris, black eyelids;

drooping ears of medium length with rounded tips, set slightly above or at eye level;

moderately dense, black lips, wide jaws, scissor bite.

TorsoMedium length well muscled neck without creases or dewlap;

strong, athletic body and deep, not too wide chest;

pronounced withers, straight back, let's say a slightly sloping croup;

long tail without curves, hanging or raised to the level of the back.

LimbsStrong, muscular legs, shoulder blades and shoulders of equal length;

hind legs are wide apart, the knee joint is well marked;

rounded paws, fingers in a ball, short claws.

WoolStraight or slightly wavy hair and a waterproof, very thick undercoat;

mane, feathering on the back of all paws, bushy tail "feather";

color — any shade of gold or cream (up to almost white), with the exception of red and mahogany, on the feathering of the paws and the suspension of the tail, the coat is slightly lighter, white hairs on the chest are allowed.

Some features of the appearance of golden dogs are determined by the place of their breeding:English (European) type-more stocky and massive dogs with relatively short legs and a wide muzzle, hair in light shades.

American type-tall, elegant and lighter Golden dogs with a graceful posture and a longer muzzle, the color of the coat is rich gold.

Canadian type — the build of "Americans", but the coat is lighter.

Important! There is no such thing as a miniature golden retriever. If they try to sell you a mini-goldie, most likely, you will get an ordinary puppy, a half-breed or a sick dwarf.

Character and parenting tips

The golden Retriever, as the friendliest ace in the world, loves absolutely everyone, regardless of height and degree of acquaintance. He will gently lick the face of a child who has returned from school and will sincerely rejoice at the arrival of his grandmother, because she will surely treat him to a homemade pie. Dancing happily, Pesel will meet you from work and tell you how much he missed you. If a neighbor who has run in to chat pays at least a minute of attention to your pet and scratches him behind the ear, she will become the most welcome guest in this house.

Important! The golden retriever is endlessly patient with children. He is not afraid to be left alone with a baby who has fallen asleep in his cradle, or a three-year-old researcher who tries the whole world on the tooth and unceremoniously violates personal boundaries.

Golden also pours out his love for complete strangers. He, like a naive kid, does not even allow the idea that there can be bad thoughts in a human head. For this reason, pets of this breed are often stolen, although the retriever himself goes after the attacker who beckoned with a delicious treat.

Of course, the golden Retriever recognizes the authority of the head of the family, but treats all family members equally. The main thing for Goldie is not to be alone even for a couple of hours. What the dog does alone, colorfully demonstrate the video on YouTube. He does this not out of harmfulness or revenge, but out of a surge of despair and a natural craving to gnaw everything that comes in sight. Chewed shoes, curtains, wires, and furniture. Pesel doesn't know that you bought the same boots just a couple of days ago, and the "killed" sofa cost two monthly salaries.

The bad habit is especially pronounced in puppies under 1 year of age. You won't be able to completely eliminate property damage. You just need to endure this time, try not to leave the little prankster alone and at the same time explain to him that you do not approve of such behavior. The golden retriever is very smart and is determined to obey a person, and therefore will try to save you from unnecessary disorders.

Golden has an endless charge of positivity. It feels like a barometer of the mood of each family member. If you are busy or not inclined to communicate with your pet, he will lie down next to you or go to play with your offspring, or he can go to cuddle with kotofey. And even if fluffy hisses and tries to stop the annoying molestation, Goldie does not start a showdown, but silently retreats away from the irritated roommate. He does not like fights at all, even on the street and even with aggressive relatives. At the same time, the sun retriever can not be called a coward. He's just a very friendly and peaceful dog.

Important! Do not walk with a golden retriever late at night in dark alleys and deserted parks. The pet will not be able to protect you from annoying boors, at best it will start barking loudly and attract attention. It won't protect the house from thieves either. Biting people, even those who deserve it, is not his style.

A simple, good-natured golden retriever still needs to be raised. Like any dog, he needs to explain the rules of good taste. Otherwise, a completely unmanageable pet will grow up, which will bark idly like a pomeranian and howl alone like a wild husky. And problems with neighbors are only a small part of the unpleasant consequences of a lack of education. If the head of a golden retriever is not occupied with learning useful skills for a long time, a hurricane of destructive behavior will descend on your home.

Avoiding a similar scenario with the golden is much easier than with other breeds. Sunny Dog likes to learn — learn new commands, learn unfamiliar smells and sounds - and is happy with any form of communication with a person (except for swearing, aggression). But keep in mind that they instantly learn new things and quickly lose interest. Classes should be varied and not very long. The only thing Goldie never gets tired of is bringing the owner a thrown stick or ball.

Content features

The golden Retriever is not afraid of frost and slush. However, it is still not recommended to settle it in an aviary or in a booth. Lack of communication with a person will not affect the character of the pet in the best way. Therefore, when you decide to have a golden, accept that your home is his home.Hair care

The golden dog is definitely not suitable for guardians of perfect cleanliness in the house, it loses its hair too much even outside the molting periods (spring, autumn). With such a pet, you will have to sweep the apartment every day, or even more often, and wipe all horizontal surfaces. So that cleaning does not cause much trouble, buy a powerful and lightweight vacuum cleaner. We recommend making a stock of rollers to remove wool from clothing. One such tool should always be placed in the hallway. You will definitely need it after cuddling with a dog before going to work or to the store. For combing out the wool (2-3 times a week), you need to buy a brush with rare teeth and a furminator.

Important! With a golden retriever in the house, it is better to forget about carpets on the floor and various kinds of dust collectors — figurines that do not warm the soul, lonely vases, blankets and pillows on the sofa. Then cleaning will take less time.


The Golden Ones love water, especially open water. Only puppies (far from all) at first are afraid to go into the hitherto unknown element. In addition to washing their paws after each trip outside, the golden Retriever needs to be bathed monthly. Usually there are no problems with this. Except that an adult dog can hardly fit in the shower stall. Most owners arrange a bath day for their pets much more often, since on walks they get dirty not only their paws, but also their belly, tail, and even their head, which is stuck in a puddle out of curiosity.

Buy a special shampoo and dog conditioner, but use them only when heavily soiled. Detergent can not just be poured on the coat, it must be diluted with water, whipped into a foam and only then applied to the dog. Otherwise, skin irritation, dandruff and increased hair loss may occur. Be sure to dry the pet's "fur coat" with a hair dryer or towel (especially carefully under the armpits, behind the ears and between the fingers), so that diaper rash and fungal eczema do not appear.

Important! So that the washed pet does not smell like a dog, make a home rinse aid. In a glass of water, dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt, add a glass of vodka and 2 tablespoons of table vinegar.

Grooming will become easier if you regularly cut your pet's hair. Shorten the feathering on the paws, the hanging hair on the chest, trim the "pants" and tail (especially at the end) and do not forget to cut the bunches between the fingers. It is better to entrust the hairstyle of exhibition beauties to a groomer.Other beauty treatments

Check your eyes and ears once a week, and carefully remove dirt. Trim your claws once or twice a month. If your dog eats "straight", you will have to regularly brush his teeth or pamper him with tendon bones. This yummy goldie is very much loved. The online store "ZooAssage" knows this, and therefore we always have various useful treats for dogs in our assortment.Toilet training

Golden Retriever puppies remember from the first time in which corner the diaper is placed to cope with their needs. This is very convenient, but do not delay the process of teaching your pet to do "things" on the street. First, you will have to take out a cute bear cub 5-6 times a day. Praise the puppy after the "correct" action.Strolls

The Golden Retriever needs freedom. In a cramped apartment of 30-40 kg, the dog will be uncomfortable. And it's better for you to let your pet vent its energy on the street, not at home. You need to walk with the "zolotok" at least twice a day for a total of about 2 hours. Run, play frisbee and soccer with your pet, take agility classes, or sign up for obedience classes. Any activity the doggie will accept with a bang.

Sunny dogs can be walked without a leash, they will never run away from the owner. About happiness, you might say. But that wasn't the case. The outside world is fraught with many dangers. The first is discarded spoiled food, animal feces of all stripes, poison and nails disguised in bread. If allowed, the retriever will sweep it all away before you know it. Hence, problems with the intestines (retrievers have a weak gastrointestinal tract) in the form of diarrhea and vomiting, and even a deadly danger. We advise you to buy a muzzle in the" ZooPassage", which will protect your dog from absorbing any kaki.

The second threat is fleas and ticks. The fact is that the usual drops from bloodsuckers like Leopard in Golden often cause allergies. There is no point in hoping for "maybe it will pass". Dogs even in winter can pick up parasites, walking, for example, near the heating main. If you don't want your pet to suffer from piroplasmosis or any other affliction, ask an experienced veterinarian for advice on an effective way to protect yourself.

Important! Train your pet to cross the road. Golden Retrievers perfectly understand not only voice commands, but also gestures. Slightly waved his hand to the right, the dog goes in the specified direction. One more nuance-gradually teach the dog to calmly respond to loud sounds.

How to feed a golden retriever

With golden retrievers, as with other dogs, the eternal question arises: what to feed, "straight" or ready-made food? Of course, choosing a diet for your pet is a purely personal matter. We still recommend professional nutrition. Yes, natural food is cheaper and, as it seems, more useful than "drying". But golden Retrievers are often allergic to seemingly completely "safe" foods. You will just get tired of cleaning up diarrhea and torment your pet while you pick up the right menu.

Pay your attention to ready-made feed in the online store "Zoopassage". In the options (on the left side of the page), select your preferred brand, pet age, and product class (not economy!). We also recommend that you specify "mono-protein food". Quality food will meet all of Golden's needs, and you'll save on trips to the vet and medication purchases. If you have already developed an allergy, switch your pet to hypoallergenic holistic products, for example, Grandorf food or grain-free Farmina.

Important! Dry food should be soaked for up to 3 months. It is strictly forbidden to combine natural food with "drying", additionally give vitamin supplements without the appointment of a veterinarian.

Interesting facts about the Golden RetrieverSunny "Scots" — the best wool antidepressants in the world. They themselves like to "work" with children suffering from Down syndrome, autism or cancer, to pull adults out of prolonged depressions.

After special training, golden Retrievers perform excellently as lifeguards, guides for the blind, and helpers for people with disabilities. The super-sensitive nose of these dogs helps detect drugs.

Golden has an excellent visual memory. Over the years, he will recognize the person who once treated him to a delicious treat, and reward him with a portion of dog affection.

Sun-furred retrievers are talented actors. Watch the American movies "A Dog named Bud" and "The Road Home".

Goldie is one of the most beloved breeds of family Americans. Out of 10 randomly selected families, 8-9 will definitely have a sunny doggie.

The most common health problems in golden retrievers are hip dysplasia (do not let the puppy jump from a height), cancer (especially in unsterilized dogs).

Goldie should not be given to families in which someone suffers from allergies.

A four-legged resident of Florida, a golden retriever named Giuseppe works as an assistant in a pet store. He greets all visitors with his paw and carefully rolls the carts with aquariums to the cash register.

Goldens have a "soft" mouth. They will bring the most fragile object safely in their teeth.

Golden retrievers tend to overeat.

Goldie does not like to bark, it is one of the quietest breeds. However, "goldie" Charlie got into the Guinness Book of Records for the loudest bark — 113.1 dB.

The most intelligent, the most friendly, the most positive, the easiest to train and, of course, the most beautiful. It's all about the golden retriever. Each owner will add a dozen more praising epithets to their favorite goldie. Dogs of this breed are like an open book, and at the same time they tirelessly surprise and delight their owners. Yellow rays of happiness are ready to give warmth around the clock, seven days a week. Yes, you will have to work a little to find a healthy diet and get all the necessary vaccinations. Yes, golden puppies are still pranksters. But that's why they're children. The retriever should be treated as a full-fledged member of the family and only in this way. Are you ready for this twist of fate? Then go in search of your favorite ponytail. Or maybe you already have such happiness? Then share your stories.

Golden Retriever

The history of golden retrievers is closely connected with the British Lord Tweedmouth. He had long dreamed of buying a hunting dog and acquired an unusual golden-colored puppy – the only black retriever in the litte A golden retriever. Photo:

Name of the breed Golden retriever, golden retriever

Country of origin Great Britain

Time of origin of the breed XIX century, the breed received official recognition in 1913

Type Hunting dog breed

Weight 27-41 kg (male), 25-37 kg (female)

Height (height at the withers) 56-60 cm (male), 50-56 cm (female)

Life span 10-12 years old

Price of puppies 25 000 – 60 000 rubles

Most popular nicknames Ram, Indigo, Ray, Buddy, Milo, Roo, Marshmallow, Boreas, Flora, Jeta, Waldi

History of origin

Lord Tweedmouth decided to continue breeding dogs with an unusual coat color and mated his Retriever with a tea Tweed water spaniel. The mating was successful, and soon three puppies with a rare yellow color were born. Encouraged by the success, Tweedmouth continued his breeding experiments, selecting only suitable individuals with pure gold color for further mating.

When Tweedmouth died, his work was continued by his friends, to whom the lord gave puppies. Two of them even opened their own golden retriever kennels. To improve the breed's performance, retrievers were bred with Labradors, bloodhounds, and Irish setters. By 1885, the Golden Dogs were considered the kings of sporting hunting dogs.

The Golden Retriever breed received its official recognition in 1913. Now Golden dogs are among the four most popular dog breeds in the world. In Russia, these dogs are also very popular, and there are kennels in almost every city.

Breed Description

Cynologists distinguish three types of golden retrievers: American (they are large in size and bright in color), European (the color is light, almost white, the dog itself is distinguished by a massive muscular build) and Canadian (it combines the features of the previous types).

The Golden Retriever is a large breed of dog, with a massive, muscular, but well-proportioned build. Feet: medium-sized, rounded with thick pads. Their muzzle is straight and long, the nose ends in a large black lobe with open nostrils. Golden's ears are drooping, rounded-tipped, and close to the cheeks. The fluffy long tail is always lowered down.

We should also mention the luxurious coat of the golden retriever. Long, thick, silky, with a dense waterproof undercoat-it can be either perfectly straight or wavy. The color of the dog depends directly on the type of golden retriever and can vary from white to any shade of gold and cream.


Initially, Golden retrievers were bred for hunting, but now they have become family dogs, guides and companions. By purchasing them, adults make a true devoted friend, and children – a caring and affectionate nanny. It is golden retrievers that are sometimes used in rehabilitation centers to communicate with "sunny" children, to relieve stress or tame patients ' aggression. Dogs always have a calming effect on crying people and raise their spirits. There are documented cases when the Goldens, on their own initiative and without special training, pulled people out of burning houses or saved drowning people.

Golden retrievers are very good-natured and loyal dogs who can't imagine life without their owner. If you are constantly on the road and work hard, this dog will not suit you, because it will be bored and whine loudly. With golden, you can go anywhere: to the sea, to the mountains, and for a walk around Red Square.

Especially golden retrievers love small children and will be very happy to add to your family. The dog will become the most loyal and attentive nanny for the baby, will play with him for hours and even endure all the dragging by the tail or pulling by the ears.

Care and maintenance

Golden Retrievers are well suited for both apartments and country houses. They tolerate the cold well, but it is strictly forbidden to put a dog on a chain, because it needs constant movement and contact with the owner.

It is not difficult to keep a golden dog – the main thing is to take care of its fur and monitor its diet. Keep in mind that retrievers often shed, so the dog needs to be combed every day, and show dogs also need regular haircuts. Claws should be cut regularly, about once every two weeks. Overgrown claws interfere with the dog when jumping and cause pain when walking on asphalt. It is recommended to bathe the dog only when necessary. Goldens like to get dirty, swim in a puddle – these impurities should be washed off with water without shampoo. It is recommended to use the funds only in extreme cases.

Regularly clean your eyes and ears by wiping them with a cotton pad soaked in warm water. Without care, a yellow plaque or stone forms on the teeth, so teach your dog to regularly brush his teeth with a special brush and paste at an early age.

As for the golden's diet, it can be fed with both professional dry food of super premium class for large breeds, and "straight". The latter includes meat, offal, eggs, dairy products, and vegetables and fruits. From porridge, it is advisable to give only buckwheat to the retriever. The dog is contraindicated pork and chicken bones. Only raw beef bones should be included in the diet, with the exception of tubular and rib bones. There should always be clean water next to the food bowl.

Training and training

From an early age, you need to take your puppy out for walks in parks, allow him to communicate with other dogs, teach him to ride in the elevator, by car.

Retrievers are very easy to train. Dogs of this breed serve in the police, and at airports they are used to search for prohibited items. Retrievers also work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations-looking for victims under the rubble. They are very smart and learn everything on the fly, so you need to start training as early as two months. You need to start with simple exercises – "Sit", "Lie down", "Give a paw", "Voice", "Come to me". Do not allow the dog to pick up something from the ground, this should be stopped immediately.

Any success of the dog should be encouraged – a tasty morsel or praise. In the future, the pet will strive to please the owner.

Health and diseases

Retrievers are one of the healthiest dog breeds. But often they have dysplasia of the elbow joint and food allergies. The first disease is mostly inherited, so you need to check the parents when buying a puppy. Also, Goldens are often diagnosed with inversion of the intestines, epilepsy, diabetes, dermatitis, laryngeal paralysis.

Do not forget to vaccinate your dog regularly. The first vaccination is done at an early age, then repeated annually. Retrievers are vaccinated against distemper (a viral disease that leads to the death of an animal), rabies and parvovirus enteritis. While the puppy is in quarantine, do not take him for a walk in crowded places where other dogs are walking. If you suspect that the dog is ill, be sure to show it to the veterinarian, because many diseases are completely curable at the initial stage.

Popular questions and answers

Irina Bezuglaya, a veterinarian and dog handler, told us about the content of the golden retriever.

How long does it take to walk a golden retriever?

This is an active, strong dog that needs good loads. Therefore, it is worth walking at least 1.5 hours a day: walking at a fast pace, plus active games and going to nature 2-3 times a week. Important! The dog is quite heavy – we increase the load gradually.

Will a golden retriever get along with a cat?

Golden retrievers get along with cats, because they are very friendly. When you get a small puppy, he may perceive the cat as a toy-run after it, which the cat will not be happy about. But if you first separate them, and then gradually introduce them and show the puppy that you can play with toys with the cat and not pay attention to it, they will get used to each other.

How do golden retrievers react to other dogs?

Golden retrievers are very friendly, there are no problems with aggression. But you need to remember that the most important thing on a walk is not playing with other dogs, but communicating with you. Therefore, we play with other dogs in a dosed way .

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